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UCLA Procedure 230.2 : Attachment A

List of Procedures for Addressing Grading and for Disciplinary Action

  1. Procedure for Addressing Grading: UCLA Academic Senate Manual, Chapter I, Section 4, Grades (Section A-313).

  2. Procedures for Addressing Discipline:

    1. The Faculty Code of Conduct (APM – 015) (as approved by the Assembly of the Academic Senate and by The Regents) establishes the ethical and professional standards which University faculty are expected to observe. A violation of University non-discrimination policy may constitute a violation of the Faculty Code of Conduct. The University Policy on Faculty Conduct and the Administration of Discipline (APM – 016), as approved by the Assembly of the Academic Senate and by The Regents, outlines sanctions and disciplinary procedures for faculty. 

    2. Provisions of the policy on Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Corrective Action and Dismissal (APM – 150) (non-exclusively represented academic appointees) and collective bargaining agreements (exclusively represented academic appointees) allow for corrective action or dismissal for conduct which violates University policy. 

    3. Provisions of the Personnel Policies for Staff Members (applicable to non-exclusively represented staff employees), and collective bargaining agreements (applicable to exclusively represented staff employees) provide for disciplinary action for violating University policy.

      1. PPSM-62: Corrective Action

      2. PPSM-63: Investigatory Leave

      3. PPSM-64: Termination of Career Employees – Professional and Support Staff

      4. PPSM-65: Termination of Career Employees – Managers and Senior Professionals, Salary Grades I through VII

      5. PPSM-67: Termination of Career Employees – Managers and Senior Professionals, Salary Grades VIII and IX

      6. PPSM II-64: Termination of Appointment

The UCLA Student Conduct Code outlines disciplinary procedures and sanctions for Student.