UCLA Policy 112 : Naming of UCLA Physical Spaces and Academic and Non-Academic Programs
The University of California (“University”), and the Los Angeles campus (“UCLA”), has a long-standing tradition of naming University properties, academic and non-academic programs, and facilities in honor of individuals or entities that have made important contributions to enable the teaching, research and public service mission of the University and UCLA. This Policy provides the criteria and authority for such Namings specific to the UCLA campus, including:
• Namings whether or not directly or indirectly associated with a gift to UCLA, The UCLA Foundation, or any UCLA support group or affiliated entity;
• Namings honoring individuals with no gift involved;
• Namings to recognize a for-profit corporation; and
• Namings in association with a business contract or other sponsorship affiliation.
Namings will be in accordance with this Policy and the University of California Policy on Naming University Properties, Academic and Non-Academic Programs, and Facilities (“University Policy”) dated December 19, 2002, and any amendments or successor policies issued by the University.
This Policy does not apply to:
• the naming of a fund, contact your development officer for more info;
• the naming of a scholarship or fellowship, contact your development officer for more info;
• the naming of an endowed chair covered by University of California APM 191;
• the placement of a donor’s name on a donor wall in interior spaces, listing in donor rolls, or similar forms of recognition, contact your development officer for more info; and
• a naming involving a Memorial or Honorific Object covered by UCLA Policy 113.
The Administrative Vice Chancellor in consultation with the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor, External Affairs, may approve additional exceptions.
For the purposes of this Policy:
Academic and Non-Academic Program refers to any academic, research, administrative or similar unit officially recognized on the UCLA campus including, but not limited to, the College and the Schools, Health Sciences, Athletics, and their respective Departments, Divisions or other subordinate units, and research, clinical or other types of Institutes, Centers and Programs, etc.
Naming refers to the naming of any UCLA property or Physical Space, or part thereof, or Academic and Non-Academic Program, in honor of an individual (s) or an entity or entities.
Physical Space refers to any building, facility, interior spaces of a building or facility, and outdoor spaces.
A Naming will comply with this Policy and the University Policy as mentioned in Section I. Any Naming in connection with a for-profit corporation, business contract or other sponsorship affiliation must receive special attention and due diligence.
The following applies to all Namings:
A. Approval of a Naming
1. UC President - The President of the University of California has full authority for Naming University properties, programs, and facilities, and currently retains the authority for Naming University land reserves, buildings, major centers of activities, and other highly visible properties, and major or multi-campus programs or facilities.
2. UCLA Chancellor - The President has delegated partial authority to the Chancellors for Namings within their jurisdiction, including streets and roads, portions of buildings, small outdoor areas, and other minor properties, and single-campus programs or facilities. All UCLA Namings must be approved by the Chancellor prior to making a commitment to a donor or non-donor honoree. See Section I of the University Policy for additional requirements.
3. The Philanthropic and Sponsorship Naming Committee will review all philanthropy giving levels and the Honorific Naming Committee will review Naming proposals that do not involve philanthropy, see section III. G.
4. Donor and Non-Donor Honoree (“honoree”) background – In accordance with University Policy, the background of a proposed donor/honoree must be considered before a Naming will be approved.
5. Proposals for a Naming will include the documentation as outlined in Section III. of the University Policy. Contact your development officer for assistance.
B. Duration of a Naming
1. Useful Life – In general, a Naming will be effective for the useful life of the Physical Space, designated use of an area, or existence of an Academic or Non-Academic Program. If a Physical Space must be replaced or substantially renovated, or the use of an area re-designated, or a previously discontinued Academic or Non-Academic Program reconstituted, it may be renamed for a new donor/honoree, subject to the specific terms and conditions set forth in any gift agreements related to the prior Naming or other terms of a honoree Naming . If a new donor/honoree is named, an appropriate, continuing level of recognition of the prior donor/honoree may be determined on a case by case basis.
2. Term of Years – a Naming may be approved for a term of years that may or may not be renewable. Such term of years should be less than the estimated useful life of the Physical Space, area use designation or existence of the Academic or Non-Academic Program.
3. Perpetuity – Granting of a Physical Space Naming in perpetuity is prohibited.
C. Naming Conventions
1. Donor/Honoree Name - When a Naming recognizes an individual, University Policy requires that the complete name of the individual be used. The last name of the individual so honored may be used in referring informally to the Naming and may be used on plaques, listings or similar recognitions. Honorifics (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Dr., Esq., etc.) and credentials (e.g. M.D., Ph.D., etc.) will not be included in the Naming.
2. Physical Spaces – The official Naming for a Physical Space or portion of a Physical Space, should use the form “[Donor/Honoree Name] [Physical Space Descriptor]” e.g. Josephine
Bruin Medical Building, Joseph Bruin Conference Room, Joseph Bruin, Jr. Laboratory, etc.
3. Academic and Non-Academic Programs – The official Naming for an Academic or Non-Academic Program should use the form “UCLA [Donor/Honoree Name][School, Department, Division, Academic or Non-Academic program]” e.g. UCLA Bruin School of xx, UCLA Joseph Bruin Institute, UCLA Josephine Bruin Center, etc.
4. Physical Space Interiors – A Naming of an entire Physical Space does not prevent the Naming of interior rooms, areas or other spaces within that Physical Space for other donors/honorees.
5. Physical Spaces Occupied by Programs – A Naming of an Academic or Non-Academic Program does not automatically include a Naming for the Physical Space occupied by that program, such as office space, laboratory space, etc. For example, the Josephine Bruin Center could occupy the Joseph Bruin Laboratory.
D. Signage of a Naming
1. All interior and exterior signage must comply with the requirements specified by existing campus signage standards. The gift agreement may permit an abbreviated name for signage, directory lists or similar purposes.
2. In the case of a Named School, or equivalent campus organization, that occupies a Named Physical Space, the exterior signage on, or adjacent to, the Physical Space so occupied may display the name of the School and the name of the Physical Space.
3. Plaques in public spaces within Physical Spaces that acknowledge corporate donors must adhere to UCLA signage standards and exclude logos to avoid the appearance of advertising. See Section VIII (5) of the University Policy for additional requirements.
4. Facilities Management in conjunction with the UCLA Campus Architect (or equivalent personnel in the case of UCLA Health Sciences) is responsible for designing, manufacturing, and affixing all interior or exterior signage. The campus benefitting unit/school/department/program or other is responsible for all costs related to signage fabrication, installation, maintenance, and any other costs associated with the signage. If an unapproved sign is affixed, installed, or placed on UCLA property, Facilities Management (or equivalent personnel in the case of UCLA Health Sciences) will allow the area time to retroactively seek the appropriate approvals; if the area fails to do so Facilities Management (or equivalent personnel in the case of UCLA Health Sciences) is authorized to initiate a process to have it removed at the expense of the person(s) or unit(s) that made the unauthorized placement.
E. Changed Circumstances
The approval of a Naming is conditioned upon fulfillment of all terms in the gift agreement or other terms of an honoree Naming. The University reserves the right to rescind a Naming if the terms and conditions of the gift agreement are not completely fulfilled by the donor. For honorees the University reserves the right to rescind the Naming at will. In addition, if at any time following the approval of a Naming, circumstances change substantially so that the continued use of that Naming may compromise the public trust or the reputation of the University or UCLA, the Vice Chancellor, External Affairs will consult with UCLA campus counsel, the Chancellor and/or the Office of the President regarding future action, which may include rescission of the Naming.
F. Naming Criteria
1. A Naming Not Involving Philanthropy
For a Naming not involving philanthropy (i.e., gift, endowment, pledge, etc.) the campus uses the
same criteria outlined in Section VII. of the University Policy and criteria developed by the
UCLA Campus Honorary Naming Advisory Committee at https://namingcommittee.ucla.edu/.
2. A Naming Involving Philanthropy
For a Naming involving philanthropy the campus uses the same criteria outlined in Section VIII of the University Policy and will comply with the additional provisions outlined below.
a. Generally
It is expected that a gift to name a Physical Space will be allocated to cover the costs of that specific Physical Space or a gift to name an Academic or Non-Academic Program will be allocated to directly benefit that specific Academic or Non-Academic Program. However, in rare cases, the totality of a donor’s philanthropy to UCLA (or its affiliated entities), whether or not allocated to cover the costs of the specific Physical Space or directly benefit the specific Academic or Non-Academic Program, may be taken into account in determining if the donor has met the amount of the gift determined in Section III.F.2.b.
b. Amount of Gift
i. Physical Space - the gift will constitute a significant portion (generally at least 50%) of the total cost of the Physical Space to be named as determined on the merits of each individual case. The gift will either:
• fund the total cost of the project to be named, or
• provide funding for that portion of the total cost which would not have been available from another source, e.g., federal or state loans or appropriations, student fees, bond issues, internal University financing, etc. In this case, the amount to be raised by gift must constitute a significant portion of the total cost of the project to be named.
ii. Academic and Non-Academic Programs - the campus will establish minimum gift amounts required to name an Academic or Non-Academic Program (see UCLA Foundation at https://www.uclafoundation.org/resources.aspx?content=endowment). The College, Schools, Health Sciences, and Athletics or other subordinate units may establish minimum gift amounts for Academic or Non-Academic Programs within their jurisdictions that are higher than the campus minimums.
iii. Other Factors - In determining the minimum guidelines for the gift amount required for a Naming, primary consideration will be given to the cost factor as noted in Section III.F.2.a of this Policy, and may be adjusted for other factors such as: similar Namings at peer institutions, visibility and attractiveness of the facility or area location, reputation and prestige of the Academic or Non-Academic Program, nature of the activity of the Academic or Non-Academic Program, and any other factors deemed relevant to the determination of value.
c. Minimum Funding Requirements
i. Physical Space or Academic/Non-Academic Program Naming – It is preferred that 25% or more of the gift amount established for the Naming of a Physical Space or an Academic or Non-Academic program is received in cash before that Naming will be officially recognized or signage placed. Upon approval from the Vice Chancellor, External Affairs, an announcement (e.g. press release, etc.) about the Naming may be made before the minimum funding is received.
ii. Other Campus Policies - If another campus policy pertaining to the construction or renovation of a physical space or an Academic/Non-Academic Program, requires or recommends a percentage higher than 25% in order to approve the Naming, then that higher percentage will apply in lieu of the preferred 25% stated in Section III.F.c.i.
d. Allocation to Endowment or Current Use
i. New Construction or Renovation of Existing Space - For a Naming involving a gift for new construction or renovation, improvement, addition or substantial modification of an existing structure, although it is expected that most of the funding will be for current use, serious consideration should be given to allocating a portion of the gift as an endowment to provide payout for future operating and maintenance costs of that facility.
i. Academic or Non-Academic Programs - For those Namings involving a gift for an Academic or Non-Academic Program, all or a substantial portion, of the gift must be allocated to an endowment to provide payout to support the operation of the Academic or Non-Academic Program during its existence.
ii. Special Rule for Current Use or Grant Funding for Academic or Non-Academic Programs – On a case-by-case basis, a substantial portion of the funds for the Naming may consist of current use gift funds, grant funds, or a combination thereof. In this case, any such Naming will last only for so long as the annual funding available from the gift equals the annual payout from an endowed fund of the same gift amount. At the end of each five-year period, the funding arrangement will be reviewed to determine if the funding level is still sufficient.
e. Funding with Pledge
i. Conditional Approval - The approval of any Naming is conditioned upon complete payment of a donor’s pledge.
ii. Testamentary Pledge - If a pledge for a Naming is to be paid from the donor’s estate, then the present value of such testamentary portion may not exceed 75% of the minimum gift amount for the Naming. The present value will be computed using a discount rate equal to the Applicable Federal Rate under Internal Revenue Code Section 7520 for the month in which the testamentary pledge is executed and an appropriate mortality table, or other appropriate discount rate.
f. Honoree Different than Donor
If the donor requests that the Naming include a person or persons other than the donor, or in addition to the donor, then each non-donor honoree must agree, in writing, to be included in the Naming. If a non-donor honoree is deceased, reasonable efforts must be made to obtain such agreement from the known closest living relative of the deceased.
G. Campus Naming Committees
1. Philanthropic and Sponsorship Naming Committee
a. Responsibilities – The Philanthropic and Sponsorship Naming Committee will:
i. Review philanthropic giving levels for Physical Spaces or Academic/Non-Academic Programs and a Naming with respect to a for-profit corporation, whether in connection with a gift or a sponsorship affiliation;
ii. Provide a recommendation on the philanthropic giving levels to the Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost and the Chancellor for approval;
iii. Establish and publish minimum guidelines for the valuation of all philanthropic Namings;
iv. Recommend appropriate action to be taken if changed circumstances (see section III.E) occur with regard to a philanthropic or sponsorship Naming; and
v. Determine all procedures to implement its responsibilities under this Policy and perform other duties as designated to the Committee by the Chancellor or Chancellor’s designee.
The Committee Chair will convene the Committee as necessary and determine the meeting agenda.
b. Membership - the Committee will consist of: 1) Vice Chancellor, External Affairs (committee chair), 2) Vice Chancellor & CFO, 3) Administrative Vice Chancellor, 4) Vice Chancellor, Legal Affairs, 5) Vice Chancellor, Health Sciences, 6) Vice Chancellor, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, 7) Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs, 8) Vice Chancellor, Strategic Communications, 9) Senior Dean of the UCLA College, 10) Chair of the UCLA Professional Schools Deans Council and 11) Director of Intercollegiate Athletics. A committee member may designate a substitute to represent their organizational unit for any committee meeting.
2. Honorific Naming Committee
a. Responsibilities –the Honorific Naming Committee will:
i. Review a proposed Naming in honor of an individual where no gift is involved;
ii. Provide a recommendation on the Naming where no gift is involved to the Executive Vice Chancellor/Provost and the Chancellor for approval;
iii. Recommend appropriate action to be taken if changed circumstances (see section III.E) occur with respect to an honorific Naming; and
iv. Determine all procedures to implement its responsibilities under this Policy and perform other duties as designated by the Chancellor or Chancellor’s designee.
The Committee Chair will convene the Committee as necessary and determine the meeting agenda.
b. Membership – The Committee will consist of the Chair, UCLA Academic Senate, President, UCLA Staff Assembly, President, UCLA Undergraduate Student Association, President, UCLA Graduate Student Association, and President, UCLA Alumni Association, along with appropriate Vice Chancellors and other members as determined by the Chancellor. The Chancellor will designate the committee chair.
1. University of California Policy on Naming University Properties, Programs, and Facilities, dated December 19, 2002;
2. University of California APM-191: Endowed Chairs and Professorships;
3. UCLA Policy 113, Memorial and Honorific Objects dated August 21, 2013;
4. UC Delegation of Authority 2002 updated on December 17, 2013.
/s/ Beck, Michael
Administrative Vice Chancellor