UCLA Policy 115 : Display of Flags
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Issuing Officer: Administrative Vice Chancellor
Responsible Office: Facilities Management - Look Up Contact Person
Effective Date: November 21, 2008
Supersedes: UCLA Policy 115, dated 7/1/1998 , dated 7/01/1998
Revision History: APP History


  1. University of California Guidelines Concerning Display of National, State and Other Flags on University of California Campuses; 

  2. UCLA Procedure 115.1, Lowering of University Flag to Half-Mast (Upon Death of Employee or Elected   Student Government Official).


National, State, and other organizations' flags are displayed on the UCLA campus in accordance with Federal and State laws and proclamations by the President of the United States, the Governor of California, the President of the University, and by the Chancellor as (s)he deems appropriate in accordance with campus guidelines and general protocol outlined below.

  1. The raising and lowering of National, State, and other organizations' flags at all campus locations is primarily the responsibility of Facilities Management. Overall maintenance of flags and flagpoles is also the responsibility of Facilities Management. As a rule, flags are raised each morning at 7:30 a.m. and lowered each evening at 5:00 p.m.

  2. The lowering of flags to half-mast at campus locations is done, traditionally, on the occasion of the death of Federal, State, or University officials. In addition, and at the direction of the Chancellor, the campus follows the practice of honoring certain campus personnel and elected student government officials or others as the Chancellor deems appropriate upon their death by lowering, to half-mast, only the University of California flag at the Pauley Pavilion location. This practice is accompanied by a notation on the plaque located at the base of the flagpole in honor of the deceased and is observed for one day. The first Thursday and Friday of each month are reserved for commemoration of deceased UCLA employees and deceased student officials or others, as the Chancellor deems appropriate, who passed away the previous month.

  3. Other flags, including the University or campus flags, may be flown or flags may be half-masted for individuals other than those enumerated in Attachment A, upon approval of the Chancellor or his designated representative and for such periods as they deem appropriate.

  4. The UCLA Police Department is responsible for investigating or handling any unusual circumstances, such as unauthorized raising or lowering of a flag, and the theft, vandalizing, or improper use of flags.

  5. The installation of flagpoles at additional campus locations is authorized only upon approval of the Chancellor.





/s/ Powazek, Jack

Administrative Vice Chancellor