UCLA Policy 131 : Weapons on University Property
The California Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1995 and Amendments, codified in California Penal Codes §§ 626.9 & 626.10, prohibit the transportation and possession of firearms and other dangerous weapons on public school properties in California, including property of the University of California. The University of California Office of the President has issued Implementing Guidelines for the Act and Amendments. This Policy incorporates and implements the Act and Amendments, the UC Implementing Guidelines, and applicable State and local codes.
This Policy prohibits the transportation and possession of firearms and other dangerous weapons on the grounds of UCLA campus, off-campus buildings owned or operated by the University, areas adjacent to University Property or to activities of or programs conducted by the University, whether on- or off-University Property.
This Policy applies to all students, employees, and other members of the University community, to any vendor or contractor providing services on University Property, and to any individual visiting the University or participating in or attending University programs or activities.
For the purposes of this Policy:
Firearm is a device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which a projectile is expelled through a barrel by the force of an explosion or other form of combustion.
Fireworks, as defined in the Los Angeles Municipal Code, are any toy pistols, toy cannons, toy canes or toy guns in which explosive materials are used, fire balloons, firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, rockets, roman candles, dago bombs, sparklers, or other devices containing any combustible or explosive substance for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation, but not to include toy pistols, toy canes, toy guns, or other similar devices in which paper caps containing not more than twenty-five hundredths (.25) grain of explosive compound per cap are used.
Generally Prohibited Weapon is a weapon of any kind listed in California Penal Code §16590, see Generally Prohibited Weapons List (Attachment A).
Imitation Firearm is any BB device, toy gun, replica of a Firearm, or other device that is substantially similar in coloration and overall appearance to an existing Firearm as to lead a reasonable person to perceive that the device is a Firearm.
Incendiary or Destructive Device is any device other than one for illumination that is constructed or designed to start an incendiary fire, by remote, delayed, or instant means; any explosive, such as tracer ammunition; any bomb, grenade, explosive missile, or similar device, or any launching device therefore; any rocket, rocket-propelled projectile, or similar device, or any launching device therefore; sealed device containing dry ice or other chemically reactive substances assembled for the purpose of causing an explosion by chemical reaction; or any similar device.
Less Lethal Weapon is a device that is designed to or that has been converted to expel or propel less lethal ammunition by any action, mechanism, or process for the purpose of incapacitating, immobilizing, or stunning a human being through the infliction of any less than lethal impairment of physical condition, function, or senses, including physical pain or discomfort. It is not necessary that such a weapon leave any lasting or permanent incapacitation, discomfort, pain, or other injury or disability in order to qualify as a Less Lethal Weapon.
Lethal Weapon is a weapon capable of inflicting great bodily injury or death. Lethal weapons include, but are not limited to, large knives, ice picks, daggers, knives or similar implements with fixed bladed longer than 2.5 inches, and other similar instruments.
Stun Gun is any item, other than a Less Lethal Weapon, used or intended to be used as either an offensive or a defensive weapon that is capable of temporarily immobilizing a person by the infliction of an electrical charge.
University Property refers to the grounds of UCLA campus and off-campus buildings owned or operated by the University for student housing, teaching, research, clinical or administration.
Subject to the exceptions below, no person shall bring to or possess on University Property or areas adjacent to University Property, a loaded or unloaded Firearm, Generally Prohibited Weapon, Lethal Weapon, Less Lethal Weapon, Stun Gun, Imitation Firearm, Fireworks or other Incendiary or Destructive Device.
Subject to the exceptions below, UCLA students, faculty, and staff shall not bring to or possess a loaded or unloaded Firearm, Generally Prohibited Weapon, Lethal Weapon, Less Lethal Weapon, Stun Gun, Imitation Firearm, Fireworks or other Incendiary or Destructive Device to activities of or programs conducted by the University, whether on- or off-University Property.
Any person, who possesses a Firearm, Generally Prohibited Weapon, Lethal Weapon, Less Lethal Weapon, Stun Gun, Imitation Firearm, Fireworks, or Incendiary or Destructive Device on University Property or at off-campus University activities or programs, may be subject to criminal penalties and/ or disciplinary action under University policies, except where one of the exceptions below applies.
A. Exceptions to Possession of Firearms or Other Weapons
Exceptions to the restricted possession of a Firearm or certain other weapons on University Property are made in California Penal Codes §626.9, §626.92 and §626.10 for certain individuals including a full-time paid peace officer of another state or the federal government who is carrying out official duties while in California, a member of the military forces of California or the United States who is engaged in the performance of his or her official duties, an armored vehicle guard who is engaged in the performance of his or her official duties, or other specified security guards. These individuals do not need special permission for weapons they are legally authorized to possess.
The prohibition against bringing to or possessing knives and/or other cutting instruments onto University Property does not apply in the following circumstances:
- For a lawful purpose within the scope of a person’s employment at the University, including, but not limited to, kitchen knives and similar utensils used by food service employees, scalpels and other cutting instruments used by physicians, dentists, researchers, etc., saws and other shearing devices used by Facilities employees, etc.; and
- For a lawful use in or around a residence or residential facility located upon University Property in food preparation or consumption or in connection with an event sponsored by a University department in which food is being prepared or served.
All other exceptions will be made at the discretion of the UCLA Police Chief. Requests for exceptions and grants of permission shall be in writing as outlined in Section IV of this Policy.
B. Exceptions to Possession of Fireworks
Specific exceptions to the restricted possession of Fireworks may be granted under permit and with the approval of the UCLA Fire Marshal. Requests shall not be granted unless they comply with applicable sections of the California Health and Safety Code, the California Penal Code, and the Los Angeles Municipal Code or the Santa Monica Municipal Code, as applicable.
C. Exceptions Approved by UCLA Police Chief
The Chancellor has delegated authority to the UCLA Police Chief to grant exceptions for certain authorized activities in program areas such as ROTC and Theater, Film, and Television productions. The UCLA Police Chief may grant other exceptions on a case-by-case basis. These exceptions shall be documented using the UCPD Special Authorization for Firearm(s) or Other Weapons on University Property form (Attachment B).
Individuals seeking an exception to this Policy must file a request with the UCLA Police Chief at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of transporting a Firearm, Generally Prohibited Weapon, Lethal Weapon, Less Lethal Weapon, Stun Gun, or Imitation Firearm to or on University Property.
- Complete the UCPD Special Authorization for Firearm(s) or Other Weapons on University Property form (Attachment B) and submit it to the UCLA Police Chief.
- Students requesting in-class transportation or possession, must have a faculty sponsor and the faculty sponsor must have the Department Chair or Dean’s authorization.
- The signature approval of the Chief or his designee is required for permission to be granted.
While this Policy is applicable to the entire UCLA community, the individuals listed below assume specific responsibilities for compliance.
Staff, faculty, and students should also be alert to any person displaying threatening behavior, whether a weapon is visible or not, must immediately contact the UCLA Police Department for assistance in such situations (see UCLA Policy 132, Workplace Violence Prevention).
A. UCLA Police Department (UCPD)
UCPD is responsible for enforcing this Policy and any related statutes. The UCLA Police Chief or his designee may grant written permission to transport or possess a Firearm or other weapon on a case-by-case basis. The Chief may also grant standing exemptions for selected activities, such as the ROTC. Questions concerning this Policy may be referred to UCPD at (310) 825-1491.
B. Faculty Members
Faculty members are responsible for students in their class or under their guidance who may request, for lawful purposes, permission to bring a weapon to University Property or to an activity of or program conducted by the University, such as for use in a play, an instructional demonstration, or research.
A faculty member must secure approval from his/her respective Dean or Department Chair before requesting permission in writing from UCPD. UCPD or Campus Counsel, as appropriate, should be consulted if any doubt exists as to the appropriateness of the request. Consideration should be given to factors including the type of weapon, its intended use, the time period over which it is intended to be used, the potential impact to others who may come in contact with it, and whether viable alternatives exist.
A faculty member must, upon receiving written permission from the UCLA Police Chief, personally monitor the use and ultimate removal of the weapon from University Property or from an activity of or program conducted by the University.
C. Department Heads
Department heads are responsible for ensuring that employees within their area of responsibility are aware of this Policy. Additionally, department heads are responsible for ensuring that groups (e.g., student groups, groups attending an event, program, or extracurricular activity) under their guidance are aware of this Policy.
California Penal Code, §626.9, §626.92, §626.10, §16590, and §21310;
Chapter V, Article 7 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code;
University of California Implementing Guidelines for The California Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1995 and Amendments;
UCLA DA 710.06 (Approving the Transporting of Firearms on Campus) to the Chief of Police, dated September 2, 2009;
UCLA Policy 132, Workplace Violence Prevention;
UCLA Police Department website.
/s/ Olsen, Steven
Acting Administrative Vice Chancellor