UCLA Policy 305 : Workers' Compensation Rate Additive Program
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Issuing Officer: Vice Chancellor - Business & Administrative Services
Responsible Office: Office of Insurance & Risk Management - Look Up Contact Person
Effective Date: July 10, 2006
Supersedes: UCLA Policy 305, dated 7/1/1998, dated 7/01/1998
Revision History: APP History


1.   Office of the President letter dated June 3, 1985 to Vice Chancellors - Administration: Workers’ Compensation Rate Additive Policy;

2.   UCLA Procedure 305.1, Workers’ Compensation Rate Additive Program Funding Guidelines.


The Workers’ Compensation Rate Additive Program was created to provide funding support to campuses for training and assisting personnel involved with the administration of Workers’ Compensation Programs. The guidelines and criteria described in this policy are used to evaluate all requests for new, renewal or continuation funding from the Workers’ Compensation Rate Additive Accrual Fund. The Workers’ Compensation Rate Additive Program is administered at the campus level by the Office of Insurance & Risk Management. Proposals for funding are initiated at the departmental level in accordance with UCLA Procedure 305.1.


It is the policy of the University of California Workers’ Compensation Program to recognize, support and implement safety programs to improve Loss Control.

A.   General Program Guidelines

Programs to be considered for funding from the Workers’ Compensation Rate Additive Accrual Fund must fall within one of the following categories:

1.   Programs directly related to improving loss experience by reducing the frequency and/or severity of claims including, but not limited to, training programs and post claim loss mitigation; or

2.   Programs directly related to the administration of the Workers’ Compensation Program including, but not limited to, the facilitation and supplementation of claims management activities.

Within the context of the programs described above, funds may be used to support staff and/or to purchase equipment and supplies, but may not be used to fund capital improvements.

B.   Criteria for Program Evaluation

All program proposals submitted for consideration are evaluated using the following criteria:

1.   Proposals should provide a prospective plan covering at least a two-year period including a detailed budget, specific programmatic goals, and a clear definition of how these goals are to be accomplished.

2.   Proposals should document how progress can be evaluated, both quantitatively and qualitatively, to show a direct and positive correlation between program activities and improved Loss Control, including how funded efforts can reasonably be expected to reduce future Workers’ Compensation costs.

All funding proposals are reviewed by the Rate Additive Committee prior to submission for final approval by the Administrative Vice Chancellor. The funding decisions of the Administrative Vice Chancellor shall be final. The Committee consists of the following voting members:

  • Assistant Vice Chancellor, Office of Academic Planning & Budget
  • Director, Campus Service Enterprises
  • Assistant Vice Chancellor, Business & Finance Solutions
  • Director, Financial Management Services
  • Assistant Executive Dean, College of Letters & Science
  • Assistant Vice Chancellor, Housing & Hospitality Services
  • ASUCLA Director of Human Resources
  • Dean, Continuing Education & Extension
  • Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration, Medical Sciences

The following non-voting members are also on the Committee: Assistant Vice Chancellor, General Services and Director, Office of Insurance & Risk Management.

C.   Submission of New Program Proposals

Appropriate documentation of new program proposals for Loss Prevention should be submitted to the Director of Environment, Health & Safety for initial review and discussion, and for Loss Control to the Risk Financial Manager of the Office of Insurance & Risk Management. Loss Prevention is the act of taking proactive measures to prevent an identified risk. Loss Control is the act of reducing loss severity by identifying the factors that magnify or prolong a loss and taking proactive measures to lessen the effects of those factors.

Proposals are reviewed by the Rate Additive Committee in a subsequent meeting for funding consideration.






/s/ Morabito, Sam

Vice Chancellor - Business & Administrative Services