UCLA Procedure 970.1 : Review and Approval of Affiliation Agreements
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Issuing Officer: Executive Vice Chancellor
Responsible Office: Chancellor's Office - Look Up Contact Person
Effective Date: November 9, 1999
Supersedes: Rescinded as of November 9, 1999 , dated 7/01/1989
Revision History: APP History

This procedure has been rescinded effective as of the date noted above. New guidelines will be written by the respective schools, Medical Sciences and Continuing Education and Extension designated in UCLA Delegation of Authority 210.04: To Execute Certain Affiliation Agreements with Other Institutions or Hospitals as appropriate for the review and approval of affiliation agreements, and according to UCLA Policy 970: Affiliation Agreements.

For more information, contact the Responsible Department for this Policy/Procedure.




/s/ Hume, Wyatt

Executive Vice Chancellor