APP Historical Revisions
This is a list of APP updates in chronological order, beginning with the most recent update. This list can be sorted by APP number.
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Effective | APP | Description |
11/16/2004 | Pol 191 | Mass Gift and Membership Solicitations. This new policy defines the mass solicitation process at UCLA and describes the basic steps for generating remittance devices, including required and suggested elements. |
1/20/2006 | Pol 191 | Mass Gift and Membership Solicitations. This revised policy updates selected definitions and the Sample Gift and Membership Solicitation Remittance Card (Attachment D). |
3/05/2010 | Pol 191 | Mass Gift and Membership Solicitations. The one-time gift fee fate for recovery of operating costs from private gifts identified in Attachment C has been updated to 6.5%. |