APP Historical Revisions

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This is a list of APP updates in chronological order, beginning with the most recent update. This list can be sorted by APP number. Subscribe here to receive email notifications whenever there is a new or change to an APP.

Effective APP Description
5/22/2013 Pol 361 Cash Handling Safety and Security. This policy has been revised primarily to add some language to emphasize that cash cannot be taken to any location outside UCLA property without an armored courier service provider.
6/01/2010 Pol 361 Cash Handling Safety and Security. This policy has been reviewed for currency, and minor updates have been made.
11/01/2005 Pol 361 Cash Handling Safety and Security. This new policy implements the minimum requirements of UC Business & Finance Bulletin BUS-49 related to the safe and secure handling of cash and cash equivalents by all departments or units engaged in any form of cash handling activities.