APP Historical Revisions

This is a list of APP updates in chronological order, beginning with the most recent update. This list can be sorted by APP number.
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Effective | APP | Description |
6/01/2010 | Pol 106 | Visiting Dignitaries. This new policy establishes campus protocol for requesting approval to invite a dignitary to UCLA, and the roles of the Chancellor and External Affairs. |
2/01/2011 | Pol 106 | Visiting Dignitaries. This policy has been updated and revised to clarify that no invitation may be extended to a visiting dignitary until a UCLA Visiting Dignitary Request Form has been submitted and approved. |
5/05/2017 | Pol 106 | Visiting Dignitaries. Technical updates were made to this policy include hyperlinking the Request Form, deleting the attachment, and adding language to clarify existing procedures. These changes do not substantailly change the intent or scope of the policy. |
2/27/2020 | Pol 106 | Visiting Dignitaries. This policy was updated with technical revisions, including unit name, issuing officer, and adding UCOP President & UC Regents to the dignitary category. |