APP Historical Revisions

This is a list of APP updates in chronological order, beginning with the most recent update. This list can be sorted by APP number.
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Effective | APP | Description |
8/16/2010 | Pol 410 | Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records. This policy implements the relevant provisions of the University of California Electronic Communications Policy concerning nonconsensual access to Electronic Communcations Records when the consent of the record holder cannot be obtained. It supersedes sections V.E. and F. of UCLA Policy 455 and the UCLA Request Form for Non-consensual Access to Email. |
7/11/2011 | Pol 410 | Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records. Attachment A - NCA Form has been modified slightly to push designation of faculty records up to the top of the form. |
8/12/2022 | Pol 410 | Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records. Policy 410 was revised to is being revised to better align with current systemwide and UCLA practices in the interpretation of the UC Electronic Communications Policy, and with current legal need. This Policy implements the provisions of the ECP relevant to nonconsensual access (hereafter referred to as “access without consent”) to University Electronic Communications Records |