APP Historical Revisions

This is a list of APP updates in chronological order, beginning with the most recent update. This list can be sorted by APP number.
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Effective | APP | Description |
9/03/2024 | Pol 860 | UCLA Interim Policy 860: Organized Events . This interim policy defines the scope, details and conditions under which university and non-affiliate individuals and groups may use UCLA property for major events. |
8/18/2017 | Pol 860 | UCLA Interim Policy 860: Organized Events . A technical update was made to change the CFCC Chair to the Assistant Vice chancellor, Campus Life. This update was made to Attachment A. |
9/23/2008 | Pol 860 | UCLA Interim Policy 860: Organized Events . This revised policy redefines extracurricular use and implements the requirement for a University guarantor to be responsible for all associated costs and any legal issues that may arise from the use. The UCLA Events Office is the designated Review and Oversight Entity for all extracurricular facilties use. |
5/08/2000 | Pol 860 | UCLA Interim Policy 860: Organized Events . Revised policy sets forth the conditions under which non-University groups may utilize University facilties. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 61 dated July 1, 1982 and UCLA Policy 62 dated July 1, 1985. |