APP Updates

This is a list of APP updates in chronological order, beginning with the most recent update. This list can be sorted by APP number.
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Effective | APP | Description |
12/06/2024 | Environment, Health, and Safety . Policy 811 was updated with technical changes that include removing the Office of Emergency Management and clarifying EH&S division responsibilities. | |
11/14/2024 | Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research. Policy 925 was updated with technical changes that include references to related policies and issuing officer. | |
10/08/2024 | Protection of Human Subjects in Research. Technical updates were made to this policy to reflect Federal requirements on Single IRB mandates and a technical update from the Human Research Policy Board. | |
9/03/2024 | UCLA Interim Policy 850: General Use of UCLA Property. This interim policy covers various provisions of the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students and outlines the general use of university property. | |
9/03/2024 | UCLA Interim Policy 852: Public Expression Activities . This interim policy was formulated to provide reasonable access for open association, discussion and debate, while at the same time providing for the safe and orderly operation of the campus. | |
9/03/2024 | UCLA Interim Policy 860: Organized Events . This interim policy defines the scope, details and conditions under which university and non-affiliate individuals and groups may use UCLA property for major events. | |
9/03/2024 | UCLA Interim Policy 862: Major Events . This interim policy defines the scope, details and conditions under which university and non-affiliate individuals and groups may use UCLA property for major events. | |
7/29/2024 | Workplace Violence Prevention. Policy 132 was updated to align with California Senate Bill 533, that requires development and implementation of a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan. Added definition of Workplace and updated Workplace Violence to align with Labor Code. | |
4/16/2024 | Student Death Response and Reporting. This procedure had a technical update to delete a cell number that is no longer in use. | |
3/08/2024 | International Academic Agreements. Policy 980 was updated with technical changes to align with UC President’s Memo on Enhanced Review and Approval involving emerging technologies and countries of concern. The changes include: 1) adding language to the Policy Statement, that all international agreements must comply with UC President’s Memo on Enhanced Review and Approval and 2) adding to Attachment A: UCLA Approval Process for International Agreements Flowchart, the requirement for the International Office to review and approve all MOUs with a foreign organization and adding Research Policy & Compliance Office and Export Controls Office as constituent groups to review Student Exchange Agreements | |
1/23/2024 | Use of the University's Names, Seals, and UCLA Trademarks. Policy 110 was updated to include the following major changes: 1) Adding a definition of UCLA Bruin Mascots including its use, 2) Clarifying that only Recreation and Spirit Squad can use the Script Logo and how to use it, 3)Adding the use of the UCLA Marks in commercial and non-commercial filming and photography. | |
1/23/2024 | Use of the University's Names, Seals, and UCLA Trademarks. The Bruin Marching Band was added as a group that can use the Script Logo without permission. This was inadvertently left out in the previous 110 update. | |
12/21/2023 | Response to Initiation of Cal/OSHA Safety Inspection Investigation. Technical edits were made to Procedure 820.1 to clarify the procedures when a Cal/OSHA compliance safety engineer (CSO) approaches or shows up to a department. | |
12/20/2023 | UCLA Medal. Policy 140 was updated and revisions were made to the UCLA Medal Advisory Committee, nomination process, and awarding process and removed the Fiat Lux Award from the policy and will now be administered by External Affairs via UCLA Policy 141. | |
12/01/2023 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). This procedure has been updated with technical revisions to align with NASA’s Conflict of Interest Policy and UC Policy: Disclosure of Financial Interests and Management of Conflicts of Interest, NSF and NASA Awards. | |
9/20/2023 | Employee Safety Helmets . This new policy outlines the requirements when using a Personal Mobility Device (i.e., electric and non-electric scooters, skateboards, etc.) during University paid time. | |
8/30/2023 | Animals on University Property. The Office of Environment, Health & Safety has updated Policy 135 in order to provide clear guidance for service animals in-training on University property. | |
8/02/2023 | Offer of Monetary Rewards in Criminal Investigations. Technical changes were made to update department name from Corporate Financial Services to Business & Finance Solutions. | |
8/02/2023 | Workers' Compensation Rate Additive Program. Technical changes were made to update department name from Corporate Financial Services to Business & Finance Solutions. | |
8/02/2023 | Prevention of Identity Theft. Technical changes were made to update department name from Corporate Financial Services to Business & Finance Solutions. | |
8/02/2023 | Sales and Service Activities. Technical changes were made to update department name from Corporate Financial Services to Business & Finance Solutions. | |
8/02/2023 | Internal Control Guidelines for Campus Departments. Technical changes were made to update department name from Corporate Financial Services to Business & Finance Solutions. | |
8/02/2023 | Misappropriation of University Assets by University Academic, Staff and Student Employees. Technical changes were made to update department name from Corporate Financial Services to Business & Finance Solutions. | |
8/02/2023 | Encryption of Electronically Stored Personal Information. Technical changes were made to update department name from Corporate Financial Services to Business & Finance Solutions. | |
8/02/2023 | Requesting Facilities Management Services. Technical changes were made to update department name from Corporate Financial Services to Business & Finance Solutions. | |
8/02/2023 | Management of Sponsored Projects. Technical changes were made to update department name from Corporate Financial Services to Business & Finance Solutions. | |
8/02/2023 | International Academic Agreements. Technical changes were made to update department name from Corporate Financial Services to Business & Finance Solutions. | |
7/19/2023 | Public Health Service Regulations on Objectivity in Research. Technical edits were made to Policy 926 to clarify NIH regulations in two areas: 1) adding documentation requirements for completing retrospective reviews, and 2) adding the requirements related to clinical research. Also further differentiation between disclosure requirements applicable to US federal, state of local government agencies and those located outside were made. | |
6/07/2023 | Key and Electronic Access Administration and Control . Policy 825 was revised to reflect the campus’ ongoing transition from physical key access to electronic Bruin Card reader access for most campus buildings. The intent is to install most buildings with a Bruin Card reader on at least two entrances per building | |
6/07/2023 | Building Entrance Keying, Electronic Access, and Control . Procedure 825.1 was revised to reflect the campus’ ongoing transition from physical key access to electronic Bruin Card reader access for most campus buildings. The intent is to install most buildings with a Bruin Card reader on at least two entrances per building. | |
4/05/2023 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). Technical updates were made to this procedure to align with January 2023 changes in National Science Foundation’s definition of significant financial interests. | |
3/23/2023 | UCLA Mail and Bulk Mail Services . A technical update was made to Attachment B, the application titled, Prior Approval: One-Time Exception to Policy 310, was updated to instruct requestors to email the application instead of mailing it to MDDS. | |
3/23/2023 | Requesting Facilities Management Services. Technical updates were made to 815.1 and include updating website links and internal FM procedures to align with current practice. | |
3/13/2023 | Principal Investigator Eligibility. Technical changes were made to Policy 900 to add another position to the list of positions that are eligible to serve as PIs without seeking exceptions (Section III, B, 4) and update position titles. | |
11/15/2022 | UCLA Mail and Bulk Mail Services . Policy 310 was updated to add info about sealing U.S. mail, add attachment C: Procedures for Outgoing Mail, and change Issuing Officer from Administrative Vice Chancellor to Vice Chancellor and CFO. | |
11/15/2022 | Mail Services (Campus, U.S., and International Mail). Procedure 310.1 has been rescinded. The information contained in this procedure is in UCLA Policy 310 | |
11/15/2022 | UCLA Messenger Services. Description: Procedure 310.5 changes include: reformatting to align with updated administrative procedures template and changing Issuing Officer from Administrative Vice Chancellor to Vice Chancellor and CFO | |
11/15/2022 | Ordering Postage Stamps and Stamped Post Cards. UCLA Procedure 310.6 has been rescinded. The information contained in this procedure is in UCLA Policy 310. | |
11/15/2022 | Access to and Use of University Mailing Lists. Policy 311 was updated to include: removing public availability to receive a copy of the UCLA Directory; adding examples of campus mailing lists including for promotional and marketing purposes and in accordance with use agreements; adding that requests to remove name from certain mailings go to the Unit, Support Group, or Affiliate Organization that is sending the mailing; title change for certain approvals from the Administrative Vice Chancellor to the Vice Chancellor & CFO; and changing Issuing Officer from Administrative Vice Chancellor to Vice Chancellor and CFO. | |
11/15/2022 | UCLA Document Services . Policy 315 was revised to align with updated purchasing policies and Regents Policy 5402 (a general prohibition on contracting out for services that can be performed by University staff) and changed Issuing Officer from Administrative Vice Chancellor to Vice Chancellor and CFO. | |
8/12/2022 | Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records. Policy 410 was revised to is being revised to better align with current systemwide and UCLA practices in the interpretation of the UC Electronic Communications Policy, and with current legal need. This Policy implements the provisions of the ECP relevant to nonconsensual access (hereafter referred to as “access without consent”) to University Electronic Communications Records | |
7/25/2022 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). Technical changes were made to include that 925.3 does not cover Department Of Energy (DOE) funded projects. | |
7/12/2022 | Clinical Trial Protocol Review and Approval by an Independent Scientific Review Committee. This new policy establishes a process for the required review and approval of Clinical Trial Protocols by an internal, independent scientific peer review committee. | |
7/01/2022 | BruinPost Messaging Service. UCLA Policy 316 was revised to reflect the new issuing officer and responsible office as well as clarify approved users and uses of the service. I hope it will serve as a helpful guide for campus partners who wish to use BruinPost. | |
6/30/2022 | Good Clinical Practice Training and Certification . The purpose of this new Policy is to require Good Clinical Practice training for all Key Personnel on all UCLA studies that meet the NIH definition of a Clinical Trial, prior to Institutional Review Board (IRB) review, regardless of the source of support. | |
6/28/2022 | Use of Biohazardous Materials and Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules in Research and Teaching Activities. In 2020, the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) modified their oversight regarding clinical research activities that did not include materials covered by the National Institute of Health (NIH) Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules. Previously, the IBC sought to review/approve these activities, but considering the role of Health System infection control, their review was ultimately determined to be redundant. Policy 992 has been updated to reflect this change. | |
6/21/2022 | Interim Policy - Conflicts of Interest in Department of Energy Funded Projects . UCLA Interim Policy 927 implements the 2022, U.S. Department of Energy Interim Conflict of Interest Policy Requirements for Financial Assistance. The DOE Interim Policy establishes standards that provide a reasonable expectation that the purpose, design, conduct, or reporting of projects funded under DOE financial assistance awards (e.g. grants, cooperative agreements or technology investment agreements) will be free from bias resulting from financial conflicts of interest or organizational conflicts of interest. This policy will remain in interim status until the full review per UCLA Policy 100 is completed. | |
6/17/2022 | Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct. UCLA Policy 993: Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct has been updated with the following changes: 1) Reformatting to align with current policy template, 2) adding steps to give respondents an opportunity to let the RIO know if there is a conflict of interest of members of the Investigation and Inquiry Committees prior to being established, and 3) Notifying the Chair of Charges about the conclusion of an investigation against a member of the Academic Senate if research misconduct is not found. | |
5/26/2022 | Requirement to Submit Proposals and to Receive Awards for Grants and Contracts through the University. UCLA Policy 909 implements the existing University of California Policy on the “Requirement to Submit Proposals and to Receive Awards for Grants and Contracts Through the University.” This policy applies to all UCLA employees who receive any part of their salary through the University, or whose activities use any campus resources or facilities, and must submit proposals for extramural support through the authorized University contracts and grants office with resulting awards made to The Regents of the University of California. | |
4/05/2022 | Undergraduate Researcher Laboratory Safety . Interim policy 906 is now an official UCLA policy. UCLA Policy 906 outlines the safety requirements necessary for and prohibitions on some research activities and other activities for undergraduate student researchers that involve highly hazardous materials. The safety requirements outlined in this policy pertain to all research and teaching laboratory environments. | |
3/02/2022 | Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect. The updates were made to align with technical updates to the Presidential Policy on Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect, which were made to comply with AB 1963. AB 1963 expanded the definition of Mandated Reporters to include adults who supervise minor employees and certain human resources employees, including academic personnel staff or other such location employees who are charged with handling discrimination complaints as defined by CANRA. | |
2/07/2022 | Public Health Service Regulations on Objectivity in Research. This policy was updated with technical changes to clarify whether mentors at other institutions really need to disclose their financial interests to UCLA. | |
11/04/2021 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. Technical changes were made to the instructions in section V.B. of the procedure and in Attachment A on where to deliver a completed complaint form were updated. | |
10/18/2021 | IP Revenue Sharing with Not for Profit Nongovernmental Organizations. This new policy addresses issues that should be considered before UCLA accepts revenue-sharing terms in a Research Support agreement and applies to UCLA researchers, Schools, Office of Contracts and Grants Administration (OCGA), and the Technology Development Group (TDG). | |
10/13/2021 | UCLA Fiat Lux Award. This policy was formerly 140 (which is still under review) and is now a standalone policy that governs the conferring of the Fiat Lux Award, which honors extraordinary service to the university and the broader community, exemplifying the UCLA spirit of civic engagement, diverse perspectives, optimism, and innovation. | |
6/02/2021 | Naming of UCLA Physical Spaces and Academic and Non-Academic Programs . This policy has been revised and changes include: added standards for duration of naming, naming conventions and signage of naming; added criteria for naming involving philanthropy, including the amount of gift, minimum funding requirements, allocation to endowment or current use, and funding with a pledge; change of policy name; added definitions; and established the Philanthropic and Sponsorship Naming Committee and reference to the Honorific Naming Committee. | |
6/02/2021 | Naming of University Facilities and Organizational Units for Individuals. This procedure has been rescinded and the information related to this procedure is now covered in UCLA Policy 112. | |
4/26/2021 | Smoke and Tobacco-Free Environment. The technical update to this policy was to align the policy definition of marijuana with the current and updated Federal definition of marijuana | |
4/12/2021 | Integrity of Undergraduate Admission Process. This new policy is designed to maintain and protect the integrity of the undergraduate admission process for recruiting, admitting and enrolling highly qualified students to UCLA. This Policy addresses the Undergraduate Admissions Office’s communication with UCLA Departments not involved in the admission process. | |
3/16/2021 | Student Grievances Regarding Violations of FERPA or University Policies on Privacy Rights Applying to Disclosure or Content of Student Records. This procedure has been revised to provide greater consistency and clarity in the resolution of student grievances. | |
2/16/2021 | Student Debt-Related Holds Grievances . This procedure has been revised to provide greater consistency and clarity in the resolution of student grievances. | |
1/07/2021 | Accepting Support for Research from Nongovernmental Organizations. Technical edits were made to Policy 921 to update office names and position titles. | |
12/16/2020 | Accepting Support for Research from Nongovernmental Organizations. This policy has been updated with minor changes. The changes include: Formatting to align with current UCLA Administrative Policy template; wordsmithing to clarify that support is for research; adding reference to research support to inventors that involve intellectual property and adding definitions of Nongovernmental Organizations and Support. | |
12/04/2020 | Single-Use Plastics . Technical updates were completed to this policy for clarification. | |
11/30/2020 | Environment, Health, and Safety . This policy underwent substantial revisions. A few of the major revisions include: • Added language to solidify EH&S’ authority to establish safety criteria • Expanded EH&S responsibilities in the context of investigatory proceedings • Included responsibility of EH&S Assistant Vice Chancellor or designee to address egregious unsafe acts or conditions, and/or imminent danger to life or health • Updated EH&S Programs responsibilities to reflect current state and structure | |
10/28/2020 | UCLA Medal. This policy was updated with technical changes to align with organizational changes. | |
10/13/2020 | Single-Use Plastics . This new policy in accordance with UC Policy on Sustainable Practices, is intended to decrease UCLA’s collective impact by reducing the number of plastics that are purchased, sold, and distributed on UCLA owned and leased property. | |
5/29/2020 | Soliciting, Accepting, and Returning Gifts. This policy was updated with minor technical changes to align with reissued UC DA 2631 | |
2/27/2020 | Visiting Dignitaries. This policy was updated with technical revisions, including unit name, issuing officer, and adding UCOP President & UC Regents to the dignitary category. | |
2/14/2020 | Telecommunication Systems Services. This policy was updated with only technical updates. | |
2/14/2020 | Telephone and Voice Related Services. These procedures were updated with only technical updates. | |
2/14/2020 | Campus Directories. These procedures were updated with only technical updates. | |
2/14/2020 | Two-Way Radio Services. These procedures were updated with only technical updates. | |
2/14/2020 | Campus Backbone Network (CBN). These procedures were updated with only technical updates. | |
2/14/2020 | Community Antenna Television System (CATV). These procedures were updated with only technical updates. | |
2/11/2020 | UCLA Medal. This policy had a technical change to update the Issuing Officer to align with organizational changes. | |
2/06/2020 | Undergraduate Researcher Laboratory Safety . This interim policy outlines the safety requirements necessary for and prohibitions on some research activites and other activities that involve highly hazardous materials for undergraduate researchers. | |
1/17/2020 | Research Laboratory Personal Safety and Protective Equipment. This policy has been revised to clarify acceptable means of PPE and associated responsibilites of users and designated authorities for the selection, provision, and utilization of PPE. | |
12/06/2019 | Smoke and Tobacco-Free Environment. This policy has been revised to align with the University of California Smoke & Tobacco Free Environment Policy that incorporated marijuana. | |
10/24/2019 | Student Death Response and Reporting. Technical update made to combine Graduate and Professional Student category (section III.C.2.) for clarity. | |
8/23/2019 | Student Death Response and Reporting. This procedure has been updated to provide clarity on the many roles of campus colleagues after a student death, including the range of responses by law enforcement, medical professionals, campus staff and others depending on the individual circumstances of each case. | |
8/09/2019 | Security Camera Systems (Interim Policy). This new interim policy , has been developed to regulate Security Camera Systems (SCS) and their use, as well as the implementation and use of future SCS. The interim policy status will allow more time to consider facial recognition technology, obtain feedback from the campus community, and develop limitations on its use before the policy is formally adopted in early 2020. | |
7/22/2019 | Gender Inclusive Facilities. UCLA Policy 890 has been revised to include requirements for multi-occupancy gender inclusive restrooms. Specifically, requiring the construction of at least one multi-occupancy gender inclusive restroom in all new construction. | |
7/11/2019 | Animals on University Property. This policy has been revised to clarify the types of animals on campus and provide additional information and guidance on service and assistance animals. | |
7/03/2019 | Directory Boards. This procedure has been rescinded because it is no longer relevant. | |
6/17/2019 | Automated License Plate Recognition Systems and Information. This new policy specifies the allowable uses of and requirements for Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) Systems and ALPR information at UCLA. This Policy also serves as the usage and privacy policy required by CA Civil Code §§ 1798.90.51 and 53 to ensure that the collection, use, maintenance, sharing, and dissemination of ALPR information is consistent with federal, state, and local law. | |
5/20/2019 | International Academic Agreements. This policy has been updated to align with campus practices involving international agreements. The major revisions include 1) provides definition of new template agreements, 2) identifies the role of agreement coordinator and 3) provides a flow chart for the approval process of international agreements. | |
4/01/2019 | UCLA Mail and Bulk Mail Services . This policy has been revised to align the policy with campus practice changes and eliminate redundent processes. | |
3/15/2019 | Offer of Monetary Rewards in Criminal Investigations. This policy was formatted in the standard template and the issuing officer was updated. There were no substantive changes to this policy. | |
3/15/2019 | Response to Initiation of Cal/OSHA Safety Inspection Investigation. This procedure was updated to reformat into standard template, update references, and add to EH&S Safety Technologist to coordincate follow-up inspections. | |
2/25/2019 | Use of Biohazardous Materials and Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules in Research and Teaching Activities. This policy has been revised and a few of the changes include: a change of policy name to “Use of Biohazardous Materials and Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules in Research and Teaching Activities,” expands IBC scope beyond compliance with the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules and defines department and individual responsibilities. | |
2/22/2019 | Use of Animals in Research, Teaching, and Testing. This policy has been revised and a few of the changes include: a change of policy name to “Use of Animals in Research, Teaching, and Testing, update department name change for the ARC administrative support office, and defines compliance as a shared responsibility, emphasizing specific duties of the Attending Veterinarian. | |
1/14/2019 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. The Locally Designated Official (LDO) address has been updated. | |
12/11/2018 | Conflict of Interest. The technical updates that were made to this policy included updating all references to UC G-39 to UC Compendium Of Conflict Of Interest And Integrity Policies – Guidance. | |
12/01/2018 | Sales and Service Activities. This revised policy outlines the establishment, operation, review, administration, and closure of sales and services activities | |
12/01/2018 | Establishing and Updating Sales and Service Activities and Service Enterprises. This procedure was rescinded on 12/1/2018. The information that was contained in this procedure is covered in UCLA Policy 340. | |
12/01/2018 | Equipment Use Rate and Depreciation Guidance. This procedure was rescinded on 12/1/2018. The information that was contained in this procedure is covered in UCLA Policy 340. | |
12/01/2018 | Sales & Service Activities with External Rates That include a Mark-up over Cost. This procedure was rescinded on 12/1/2018. The information that was contained in this procedure is covered in UCLA Policy 340. | |
11/19/2018 | Emergency Notifications (BruinAlert). This new policy outlines the process and requirements to transmit emergency notifications and sets forth the campus community's responsibility to register to receive and to follow any instructions provided in emergency notifications. | |
11/09/2018 | Use of the University's Names, Seals, and UCLA Trademarks. UCLA Policy 110 - Names, Sales & Trademarks has been revised and reflects changes that will impact all users of the UCLA marks. This policy requires that every use of a UCLA mark have authorization. Fortunately, Policy 110 sets forth when the marks may be included and pre-authorizes many common uses. | |
10/24/2018 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. Attachment C, "Frequently Asked Questions" the text for questions 6 and 7 has been updated. | |
7/09/2018 | Net Royalty Distribution of Non-Patented Intellectual Property. This new policy articulates a formula for UCLA's distribution of royalty income from intellectual property rights that do not constitute an invention under the Patent Policy. | |
7/09/2018 | Release of Patent Rights to Inventors. This new procedure articulates the conditions in which the University will release patent rights to their inventors. | |
7/09/2018 | Distribution of the University's General Pool and Research Share Portions of Net Royalties. This revised procedure outlines UCLA's process for allocation and use of the research portion of net royalties. | |
5/09/2018 | UCLA Interim Policy 862: Major Events . This interim policy sets forth the conditions under which a Registered Campus Organization or Non-Campus Organization may be permitted to use University property for extracurricular uses designated as a Major event and outlines the procedures for requesting and approving a Major Event. | |
2/01/2018 | UCLA Medal. test | |
1/17/2018 | Parking Facilities Displacement/Buy-Out. This new policy applies to capital projects that affect parking and transportation facilities, and outlines the requirements associated with displacing parking spaces and parking-related facilities. | |
10/13/2017 | Disclosure of Information from Student Records. This policy has been updated to include the UC policy change to section 130.251 of the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students. This change deletes "address (local and/or permanent)" from the categories of information that a campus may designate as directory information. | |
10/09/2017 | Administrative Policies & Procedures. This new policy memorializes current practice for developing and reviewing new and existing UCLA Administrative Policies & Procedures. This policy outlines the process for an adminsitrative department or unit, coordinating with the policy manager, to propose, develop, an maintain UCLA APP's. | |
9/12/2017 | Investigating Allegations of Student Conduct that Negatively Impacts Campus Climate. A technical update was made to Sections I and IV to include a reference to the UC Regents Policy 4403: Statement of Principles Against Intolerance | |
8/18/2017 | Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect. A technical update was made to add the Geffen Academy to bullet point #6 of Attachment A. | |
8/18/2017 | UCLA Interim Policy 860: Organized Events . A technical update was made to change the CFCC Chair to the Assistant Vice chancellor, Campus Life. This update was made to Attachment A. | |
8/07/2017 | Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment. A technical update was completed to this recision page in order to add a relevant resource: “and the Discrimination Prevention Office and Title IX Office Procedures for Handling Allegations of Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation.” | |
5/05/2017 | Visiting Dignitaries. Technical updates were made to this policy include hyperlinking the Request Form, deleting the attachment, and adding language to clarify existing procedures. These changes do not substantailly change the intent or scope of the policy. | |
5/04/2017 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. The complaint form in Attachment A has been updated. | |
5/03/2017 | Encryption of Electronically Stored Personal Information. A technical change was made to delete "and" in the definition of Personal Information. The initial intent of the definition was that each of the data types in the definitions qualify on their own. | |
4/12/2017 | Radiation Safety. A technical change was made to amend the RSC's scope to align with UCLA's Type A Broad Scope License to include oversight over all activities involving radiation, not just research activities. This change aligns with the original intent of the policy. | |
4/11/2017 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. The complaint form and instructions in Attachment A have been updated. | |
3/29/2017 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Sponsors of Contracts, Grants, and Material Transfer Agreements for Research. References to the Office of Intellectual Property & Industry Sponsored Research (OIP-ISR) have been updated to Technology Development Group (TDG). | |
3/29/2017 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). References to the Office of Intellectual Property & Industry Sponsored Research (OIP-ISR) have been updated to Technology Development Group (TDG). | |
2/03/2017 | Investigating Allegations of Student Conduct that Negatively Impacts Campus Climate. This new policy establishes the process for determining when the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion shall investigate an alleged act, incident, or behavior attributable to a student or group of students that could negatively impact UCLA’s campus climate or matters of equity, diversity, or inclusion. | |
1/24/2017 | Student Grievances Regarding Violations of Anti-Discrimination Laws or University Policies on Discrimination on Basis of Disability. A technical change was made to correct an error regarding the timeline. Hearings will be completed within 60 days of the issuance of the investigation report, not all hearings and appeals. | |
1/17/2017 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. Attachment C, "Frequently Asked Questions" has been updated | |
12/12/2016 | Student Grievances Regarding Violations of Anti-Discrimination Laws or University Policies on Discrimination on Basis of Disability. The guidance document, Attachment B, was completed | |
9/26/2016 | Student Grievances Regarding Violations of Anti-Discrimination Laws or University Policies on Discrimination on Basis of Disability. This new procedure supersedes sections of UCLA Procedure 230.1 related to disability grievances only. The purpose of this procedure is to enable the resolution of student grievances alleging violations of law or University policy against harassment or discrimination on the basis of disability. | |
9/12/2016 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. The procedure text and complaint form in Attachment A have been updated to clarify that a complainant must separately label/identify the Adverse Personnel Action, Respondent, Protected Activity, and Contributing Factor Basis. | |
9/01/2016 | Key and Electronic Access Administration and Control . Facilities Management's revision to this policy makes major changes, including requiring FSRs for the following: creating off-master spaces, requesting custodial service for off-master spaces, and having custodial services perform weekend openings and/or off-hour duties, normally in support of a scheduled off-hour or weekend event. | |
9/01/2016 | Building Entrance Keying, Electronic Access, and Control . Facilities Management's revision to this procedure makes major changes, including requiring departments to notify the Facilities Management Hardware Shop of any changes to the list of authorized personnel that can request keys and adds requirements of campus personnel to be granted access to buildings or spaces when locked out after normal hours of operation. | |
4/01/2016 | Gender Inclusive Facilities. This new policy incorporates and implements the UC Guidelines for providing Gender Inclusive Facilities. The policy sets forth the requirements that will guide UCLA efforts toward Gender Inclusive facilities. | |
3/03/2016 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. The Frequently Asked Questions in Attachment C were updated. | |
2/29/2016 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). The definition of "Significant Financial Interest" was updated. | |
2/17/2016 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Sponsors of Contracts, Grants, and Material Transfer Agreements for Research. The definition of “Significant Financial Interest” was updated. | |
1/25/2016 | Requesting Facilities Management Services. Technical updates were made to this procedure to update internal procedures and to update the Issuing Officer. These changes idd not substantially change the intent of the procedure. | |
1/20/2016 | Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment. This procedure has been rescinded because the subject matter covered in this procedure has been superseded by information contained in the UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy. | |
1/04/2016 | Weapons on University Property. This policy was revised to include "generally prohibited weapons" as defined in the California Penal Code to the list of items not to bring to campus. Additional changes include: locations that are covered by this policy; departmental and individual responsibilities; form used for exemptions and statutory references. | |
1/01/2016 | Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC). This new policy implements the requirements of the U.S. Government Policy for Oversight of Life Sciences Dual Use Research of Concern and the UC DURC Policy. This policy applies to life sciences research that involves agents and toxins of concern as listed in the policy. | |
1/01/2016 | Chemical and Physical Research Safety. This new policy outlines the Chemical & Physical Safety Committee's responsibilities and authority to develop, recommend, update and maintain policies and procedures applicable to chemical and physical healthy and safety practices at UCLA, including the implementation and enforcement of the policy. | |
11/01/2015 | Workplace Violence Prevention. This policy has been revised to reiterate that UCLA maintaines a zero tolerance for workplace violence and to update the procedures to report incidents of workplace violence. | |
11/01/2015 | Principal Investigator Eligibility. This policy has been revised to update position titles and department names, and to add references. The substantive change was adding language to Section III.C. Exceptions, that ensures applicants meet the requirements for good standing as defined within the respective unit. | |
10/16/2015 | Acquisition of Vehicles and Vessels. This procedure has been revised to include the process of the purchase and transfer acquisition of vessels, and to add Gift Administrationto the process of reviewing donated vehicles and vessels. | |
9/29/2015 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. This procedure has been updated to reflect changes to the UC Whistleblower Protection Policy, revised May 1, 2015. | |
8/25/2015 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. The complaint form and instructions in Attachment A have been updated. | |
5/04/2015 | Radiation-Producing Equipment. This new procedure sets forth the required designation of a responsible user for radiation-producing equipment and the proper management of such equipment. | |
5/04/2015 | Volunteers and Visitors in Non-Clinical Radiation Use Areas. This new procedure sets forth access restrictions of UCLA volunteers and visitors to non-clinical radiation use areas, whether on- or off-campus. | |
3/23/2015 | Student Debt-Related Holds Grievances . Timelines for hearings have been updated to be consistent with those in the student conduct hearing process; the Chancellor has been replaced with the Vice Chancellor - Student Affairs as the decision point for appeals; content has been reorganized and reformatted. | |
2/02/2015 | Minimum Security Standards for Network Devices. Technical changes include hyperlink updates, added references, updates to IT terms, and update to the definition of Password in Attachment A to require password length of eight characters instead of six. | |
2/02/2015 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). Technical updates were made to the definition of Signficant Financial Interest to reinsert required disclosures of Investigators and update the revised UC Policy on Disclosure of Financial Interests and Management of Conflicts of Interest, National Science Foundation Awards. | |
12/03/2014 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. A technical update has been made to reflect a title change from "Director, Information Technology Security" to "Chief Information Security Officer." Substantively, the policy remains the same. | |
8/18/2014 | Telecommunication Systems Services. This policy has been revised to update the responsible department name to IT Services and to reflect minor changes to business practices. | |
8/18/2014 | Telephone and Voice Related Services. This procedure has been revised to update the responsible department name to IT Services and to reflect minor changes to business practices. | |
8/18/2014 | Campus Directories. This procedure has been revised to update the responsible department name to IT Services and to reflect minor changes to business practices. | |
8/18/2014 | Two-Way Radio Services. This procedure has been revised to update the responsible department name to IT Services and to reflect minor changes to business practices. | |
8/18/2014 | Campus Backbone Network (CBN). This procedure has been revised to update the responsible department name to IT Services and to reflect minor changes to business practices. | |
8/18/2014 | Community Antenna Television System (CATV). This procedure has been revised to update the responsible department name to IT Services and to reflect minor changes to business practices. | |
8/12/2014 | Smoke and Tobacco-Free Environment. Section IV.1. has been revised to include exceptions for research approved by the Animal Research Committee and other research if it adheres to EH&S health and safety guidelines. | |
8/04/2014 | Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect. This policy implements the UC Policy on Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect by establishing internal reporting requirements for UCLA Mandated Reporters and the process for identifying UCLA Mandated Reporters in order to comply with the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. | |
7/01/2014 | Clinical Studies Coverage Analysis. This policy has been revised to consolidate definitions and expand procedures in completing the QCT Form. | |
7/01/2014 | Interim Procedure on Pricing for Budgeting and Contracting of Clinical Studies. This interim procedure establishes pricing guidelines for the budgeting and contracting of Clinical Studies. This procedure shall be fully implemented by August 1, 2014. | |
5/22/2014 | Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation. This policy is currently under review. It remains in effect, although certain information may be incorrect or outdated. For guidance, see the Digital Millennium Copyright Act at UCLA. | |
2/21/2014 | Sales and Service Activities. In section III.B., one of the criteria for which units are authorized to be charged CAF's and OLF's was changed from annual Income of $200,000 or more to Expense of $200,000 or more; a definition for "Expense" was added to Attachment A. | |
11/15/2013 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. The Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint Form (instructions and statement of whistleblower retaliation) that appears as Attachment A has been updated. | |
8/21/2013 | Memorial and Honorific Objects. This new policy establishes the criteria, authority, and procedures for submitting and approving proposals of memorial and honorific objects to be placed on campus. | |
7/17/2013 | Research Laboratory Personal Safety and Protective Equipment. This policy has been revised primarily to modify the requirements when working with pyrophoric materials or flammable liquids. The revised policy takes effect on 3/31/2014. | |
6/17/2013 | Radiation Safety. This new policy defines the roles and responsibilities of UCLA administrators, faculty, and staff responsible for all materials and equipment capable of producing ionizing radiation. | |
5/28/2013 | Establishing and Updating Sales and Service Activities and Service Enterprises. This procedure has been revised primarily to add language to emphasize how not to use the Short Form Services Agreement Template. | |
5/22/2013 | Cash Handling Safety and Security. This policy has been revised primarily to add some language to emphasize that cash cannot be taken to any location outside UCLA property without an armored courier service provider. | |
5/03/2013 | Encryption of Electronically Stored Personal Information. This policy has been revised primarily to remove the ability to create an Implementation Plan and create an explicit procedure for organizations to request an exception to encrypting personal information. | |
4/22/2013 | Smoke and Tobacco-Free Environment. This policy has been revised to prohibit, beginning April 22, 2013, the use of cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco and all other tobacco products, including unregulated nicotine products (e.g., "e-cigarettes") on campus and on any other property owned or leased by the University. | |
3/26/2013 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. The Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint Form (instructions and statement of whistleblower retaliation) that appears as Attachment A has been updated. | |
3/01/2013 | Clinical Studies Coverage Analysis. This policy has been revised to expand the definition of Clinical Research Study and to clarify that Sponsors are responsible for all costs of Clinical Studies that are not Qualifying Clinical Trials. | |
12/20/2012 | Public Health Service Regulations on Objectivity in Research. This policy has been modified to remove the reference to approval of no cost time extensions for research activities that were already ongoing as of August 24, 2012. | |
12/11/2012 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). This procedure has been revised to reinsert required disclosures of significant financial interestes by investigators. | |
12/04/2012 | Principal Investigator Eligibility. The Vice Provost - Information Technology has been added to the list of officials who may approve exceptions; the reference to now superseded UCLA DA 201.05 has been updated to the active UCLA CA 201.06. | |
9/25/2012 | Student Debt-Related Holds Grievances . This procedure has been revised primarily to clarify current practices for debts collected by Housing Services. | |
8/24/2012 | Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research. This policy has been revised to clarify the conditions under which disclosures of financial interests are required under State of California and Federal regulations, and other policies. | |
8/24/2012 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). This procedure has been revised to distinguish the disclosure of financial interests related to Federally sponsored research projects excluding Public Health Service. | |
8/24/2012 | Public Health Service Regulations on Objectivity in Research. This policy implements the 2011 Public Health Services regulations on promoting objectivity in research. | |
7/15/2012 | Clinical Studies Coverage Analysis. This new policy describes the shared responsibility for performing the coverage analysis process in development of a clinical study budget. | |
6/26/2012 | Sales and Service Activities. Clarifications to the Fund Balances section and references to UCLA Procedure 340.3 in Attachment B regarding mark-up over cost. | |
6/26/2012 | Sales & Service Activities with External Rates That include a Mark-up over Cost. This new procedure addresses the proposal and approval of sales and service activities that include a mark-up over cost, and identifies the responsible parties involved. | |
5/09/2012 | Producing Records Under Subpoena Duces Tecum and Deposition Subpoenas. Technical updates have been made to reflect organizational changes; substantively, the procedure remains the same. | |
5/01/2012 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. This revised policy is aligned with protection requirements stated in UCLA Policy 404 - Protection of Electronically Stored Personal Information, and with systemwide procedures set forth in UC Bulletin IS-3, including use of the UC Privacy and Data Security Incident Response Plan. | |
4/20/2012 | UCLA Logon ID Security Standards. This policy establishes security standards for the UCLA Logon ID, applicable to anyone assigned such an ID and passowrd, and all service providers. | |
2/24/2012 | Registration and Use of UCLA Domain Names. This revised policy clarifies the circumstances under which requested UCLA Domain Names may or may not be approved and why. | |
2/09/2012 | Student Grievances Regarding Violations of FERPA or University Policies on Privacy Rights Applying to Disclosure or Content of Student Records. Section III.B.2. has been corrected: the response to the student will indicate that "the requested remedy is being granted, or explaining why such action has not been taken." | |
1/17/2012 | Principal Investigator Eligibility. This policy has been revised to clarify circumstances under which postdoctoral scholars and other trainees may be granted an exception to apply for support for reserach training and mentored training grants. The Exceptions section has been clarified. | |
10/19/2011 | Payment Card Processing Standards. This new policy sets forth the minimum security standards required for campus units to accept payment cards (debit, credit) for purchasing transactions. | |
7/25/2011 | Disclosure of Information from Student Records. This policy has been updated or revised to conform with requirememts set forth in the rgulations implementing FERPA and latest UC policies. | |
7/21/2011 | Producing Records Under Subpoena Duces Tecum and Deposition Subpoenas. In Attachment A, the fax number for the Director - Records Management & Information Practices has been updated. | |
7/19/2011 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. The list of Compliance Coordinators in Attachment A has been updated. | |
7/12/2011 | Protection of Human Subjects in Research. Definitions and descriptions have been introduced or updated. | |
7/11/2011 | Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records. Attachment A - NCA Form has been modified slightly to push designation of faculty records up to the top of the form. | |
6/27/2011 | Protection of Human Subjects in Research. References to the "Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS)" and links to its home page have been updated to "Office of the Human Research Protection Program (OHRPP)." | |
4/27/2011 | BruinPost Messaging Service. This revised policy clarifies that BruinPost is not to be used to publicize events or speakers other than those under the auspices of the Chancellor's Office. Also, any excpetions to policy must be authorized by the Chancellor or his designee. | |
4/18/2011 | Sales and Service Activities. This revised policy clarifies the identification of qualifying Sales & Service Activities, applying for a fund, proper tracking of approved funds, General Fund recharges, and reviewing and closing a fund. | |
4/18/2011 | Establishing and Updating Sales and Service Activities and Service Enterprises. This revised procedure streamlines the process for applying for a Sales & Service fund and clarifies the roles of POSSSE staff and the Director - APB/POSSSE in reviewing applications and approving or denying them. | |
4/18/2011 | Equipment Use Rate and Depreciation Guidance. This new procedure gives guidance on the acquisition, use, depreciation, and replacement of equipment use in a Sales & Service activity. | |
3/07/2011 | UCLA Medal. This revised policy describes the award nomination, selection, and approval process for the UCLA Medal and the Fiat Lux Award. | |
2/01/2011 | Visiting Dignitaries. This policy has been updated and revised to clarify that no invitation may be extended to a visiting dignitary until a UCLA Visiting Dignitary Request Form has been submitted and approved. | |
1/24/2011 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. The list of Compliance Coordinators in Attachment A has been updated. | |
1/01/2011 | Student Grievances Regarding Violations of FERPA or University Policies on Privacy Rights Applying to Disclosure or Content of Student Records. This procedure has been revised to clarify the steps that should be taken to resolve complaints expeditiously and before any formal grievance is filed. Also, authority to render a decision rests with the VC, Student Affairs. Appeals go to the Chancellor. | |
1/01/2011 | Student Grievances Regarding Violations of Anti-Discrimination Laws or University Policies on Discrimination. This procedure has been revised to clarify the steps that should be taken to resolve complaints expeditiously, before a formal grievance is filed. Also, authority to render a decision rests with the Vice Chancellor - Student Affairs. Appeals go to the Chancellor. | |
12/09/2010 | Safe Handling of Particularly Hazardous Substances. This new policy provides general guidance on how to work safely with chemicals designated as "particularly hazardous" by Cal/OSHA. | |
11/12/2010 | BruinPost Messaging Service. This new policy describes rules of access to, and appropriate use of BruinPost - UCLA's mass messaging service for official University business matters. | |
10/27/2010 | Principal Investigator Eligibility. The description of eligible UCLA employees and list of incumbent positions who may serve as Principal Investigators have been updated. | |
10/27/2010 | Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct. Revisions include clarification of defined Research Integrity Officer; applicability of the policy to students; and amended "Limitation Period," Section IV.C.3. added. | |
8/18/2010 | Use of Animals in Research, Teaching, and Testing. This revised policy aligns with current requirements of the Association for Assessment & Accreditations of Laboratory Animal Care. The acquisition of animals provision has also been updated. | |
8/16/2010 | Access without Consent to Electronic Communications Records. This policy implements the relevant provisions of the University of California Electronic Communications Policy concerning nonconsensual access to Electronic Communcations Records when the consent of the record holder cannot be obtained. It supersedes sections V.E. and F. of UCLA Policy 455 and the UCLA Request Form for Non-consensual Access to Email. | |
8/16/2010 | UCLA Email Policy and Guidelines. This policy is being reviewed for alignment with current UC policies, to delete outdated or unnecessary provisions, and to add new campus provisions as appropriate. | |
6/30/2010 | Recovery of Operating Costs from Private Gifts. This policy has been revised to reflect current practices and fee rate, and revised disclousre of policy text to donors. | |
6/30/2010 | Low-Value Purchases. This new policy provides requirements and guidelines governing low-value purchases. It supersedes UCLA Procedure 740.1. | |
6/15/2010 | Disposition of Unexpended Balances in Fixed Rate and Fixed Price Contracts and Nonrefundable Grants. Technical correction made. References to "terminated" fixed price, fixed rate contracts, and nonrefundable grants have been deleted. | |
6/14/2010 | Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research. References to the UC Policy and UC Guidelines for Disclosure of Financial Interest in Private Sponsors of Research has been updated. | |
6/14/2010 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Donors of Gifts. References to the UC Policy and UC Guidelines for Disclosure of Financial Interest in Private Sponsors of Research has been updated. | |
6/14/2010 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Sponsors of Contracts, Grants, and Material Transfer Agreements for Research. References to the UC Policy and UC Guidelines for Disclosure of Financial Interest in Private Sponsors of Research has been updated. | |
6/03/2010 | Minimum Security Standards for Network Devices. This updated policy includes changes to the Issuing Officer, Responsible Department, and corresponding authority to hear appeals (formerly the Associate Vice Chancellor - Information Technology, now the Administrative Vice Chancellor). | |
6/03/2010 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. This updated policy includes changes to the Issuing Officer, Responsible Department, and corresponding changes to the designated lead campus authority (formerly the Associate Vice Chancellor - Information Technology, now the Administrative Vice Chancellor). | |
6/01/2010 | Visiting Dignitaries. This new policy establishes campus protocol for requesting approval to invite a dignitary to UCLA, and the roles of the Chancellor and External Affairs. | |
6/01/2010 | Cash Handling Safety and Security. This policy has been reviewed for currency, and minor updates have been made. | |
3/25/2010 | Encryption of Electronically Stored Personal Information. This new policy defines a protocol that must be followed when Personal Information is stored electronically, and assigns responsibility for implementation of this policy. | |
3/24/2010 | Registration and Use of UCLA Domain Names. The UCLA Internal Domain Name Request Form and How to Choose a Good Domain Name no longer appear as Attachment A to this policy and are instead available at | |
3/05/2010 | Mass Gift and Membership Solicitations. The one-time gift fee fate for recovery of operating costs from private gifts identified in Attachment C has been updated to 6.5%. | |
3/01/2010 | Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation. Following a period of review, this policy is determined to be up to date as issued. | |
2/26/2010 | Legal Processes - Summonses and Complaints, and Subpoenas. Attachment A "List of Legal Coordinators" has been updated. | |
2/05/2010 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. The list of Compliance Coordinators in Attachment A has been updated. | |
2/03/2010 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. This procedure has been updated to reflect organizational changes; the attachment "UCLA Report of Improper Governmental Activity Form" (formerly Attachment A) has been deleted. | |
2/01/2010 | Research Laboratory Personal Safety and Protective Equipment. This new policy describes the Personal Protective Equipment and related safety procedures required for all staff members working in laboratory areas as specified, and the responsibilities of various campus officials, employees, and others for promulgation and implementation of this policy. | |
1/21/2010 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. The list of Compliance Coordinators in Attachment A has been updated. | |
1/20/2010 | Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct. This revised policy includes numerous changes, some in consultation with the Dean of Students Office, Graduate Division, and Academic Senate. Many of the changes are in response to ORI recommendations, and also are based on actual experiences with Research Misconduct cases. The Applicability section has been significantly revised. | |
1/14/2010 | Student Debt-Related Holds Grievances . This revised procedure includes updates to the designated Collection Stations and sets out procedures for student debts related to housing contracts and rental agreements. | |
1/12/2010 | Management of Sponsored Projects. In section V., Principal Investigator, 2., "New Drug Application (NDA)" has been replaced with "Investigational New Drugs (IND)". | |
1/05/2010 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. The list of Compliance Coordinators in Attachment A has been updated. | |
12/10/2009 | UCLA Mail and Bulk Mail Services . A technical correction has been made to this policy to remove all references to "any foreign postal service". The purchase of such service is no longer processed through Mail Services. | |
10/19/2009 | Placement of Temporary Structures on the UCLA Campus. This revised procedure updates the procedures for requesting approval via the Events Office for placing temporary structures on campus in conjunction with appropriate campus activities. | |
9/21/2009 | Smoke and Tobacco-Free Environment. This revised policy states that smoking is prohibited within 25 feet (formerly 20 feet) of campus buildings, in compliance with the UC Policy on Sustainable Practices to align with the L.E.E.D. green building certification system. | |
8/17/2009 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). This procedure has been revised to conform to the requirements of the N.I.H. and to clarify roles and responsibilities. | |
8/14/2009 | Mail Services (Campus, U.S., and International Mail). This revised procedure updates the mail services available to the campus and the current procedures for utilizing them. | |
8/14/2009 | UCLA Messenger Services. This revised procedure updates the process for requesting campus messenger services. | |
8/14/2009 | Ordering Postage Stamps and Stamped Post Cards. This revised procedure updates the postal items available for sale to departments and accompanying procedures. | |
7/30/2009 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. The list of Compliance Coordinators in Attachment A has been updated. | |
7/29/2009 | Prevention of Identity Theft. This new policy establishes the departmental requirements and outlines mechanisms to prevent, detect, and respond to identify theft, in accordance with the UC Implementation Plan of January 2009. | |
6/15/2009 | Disposition of Unexpended Balances in Fixed Rate and Fixed Price Contracts and Nonrefundable Grants. This revised policy clarifies the steps to be followed and under what circumstances unexpended balances shall be converted to unrestricted funds. | |
5/07/2009 | Principal Investigator Eligibility. This revised policy updates and clarifies the eligibility requirements for Principal Investigators. | |
5/05/2009 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. The list of Compliance Coordinators in Attachment A has been updated. | |
4/29/2009 | UCLA Mail and Bulk Mail Services . This revised policy updates references to organizational units and describes in detail the process for requesting exceptions to selected provisions of this policy. | |
4/09/2009 | Producing Records Under Subpoena Duces Tecum and Deposition Subpoenas. The definition of Witness Fees has been modified: instead of citing specific dollar amounts, individuals are now advised to contact Records Management to find out what the current fee levels are. | |
2/09/2009 | Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation. This policy is currently under review and will be published on the Administrative Policies & Procedures Web site when that review has been completed. It remains in effect, although certain information may be incorrect or outdated. Questions concerning this procedure should be referred to the Repsonsible Policy Officer. | |
2/05/2009 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. The list of Compliance Coordinators in Attachment A has been updated. | |
1/23/2009 | Protection of Human Subjects in Research. This policy has been reinstated and revised. Section H summarizes the responsibilities of UCLA Research Administration, its Research Investigators, and Research Affiliates for the appropriate conduct of human subjects reesearch and for compliance with all related federal regulations and local policies. | |
11/21/2008 | Display of Flags. Policy updated and vandalism added to acts against the flag that will be investigated by UC Police Department. | |
11/21/2008 | Lowering of University Flag to Half-Mast (Upon Death of Employee or Elected Student Official). Procedures updated and clarified regarding date(s) of flag-lowering, and use of the Death Notice form by the Chancellor's Office to convey infromation to all appropriate campus entities. | |
11/20/2008 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. Attachment B, "Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint Form" has been modified. | |
11/17/2008 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). Minor clarification to Section III.A. and addition of "no-cost time extensions" to Section III.C. | |
9/23/2008 | UCLA Interim Policy 860: Organized Events . This revised policy redefines extracurricular use and implements the requirement for a University guarantor to be responsible for all associated costs and any legal issues that may arise from the use. The UCLA Events Office is the designated Review and Oversight Entity for all extracurricular facilties use. | |
5/28/2008 | Requests for Off-Campus Real Property Leasing. Updates to References, Issuing Officer, "Department Authorization for Leased Space" form now available online. | |
5/12/2008 | Assignment and Management of Campus Space. The Issuing Officer has been changed (formerly Administrative Vice Chancellor) and the Responsible Department is now Space Management & Analysis. Additional general updates but no substantive revisions. | |
5/12/2008 | Requests for Additional Space or Modifications to Existing Space. The Issuing Officer and Responsible Department have been changed. General updates but no substantive revisions. | |
5/09/2008 | Employee Driving Records. Department heads must now submit a photocopy of the current Driver's License for each prospective incumbent to the Employee Pull Notice Program. The job title "Automotive Technician Supervisor" has been added to the list of University employees to whom this procedure applies. | |
3/14/2008 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. Consistent with UC IS-3, "Electronic Information Security," a Security Breach involving medical or health insurance information shall also be reported to the Executive Director, Medical Services, UCOP. | |
2/27/2008 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. This revised policy implements UC IS-3, which was revised to implement the provisions of State legislation enacted in January 2008. Specifically, medical and health insurance information were added to the definition of personal information. | |
2/18/2008 | Use of University Rental Pool Vehicles. Revisions to this procedure include updated terminology and processes. Vehicles are available for rent based on confirmed reservations, not first come, first served. | |
2/18/2008 | Acquisition of Vehicles and Vessels. Revisions to this procedure include updated terminology and processes. | |
2/11/2008 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Sponsors of Contracts, Grants, and Material Transfer Agreements for Research. This revised procedure adds Material Transfer Agreements to Contracts and Grants for which PI's must disclose personal financial interests in the respective non-governmental sponsors. Also, when to disclose and which forms to use has been clarified. | |
1/15/2008 | International Academic Agreements. This revised, expanded policy describes different types of international agreements, including memorandums of understanding, responsibilities of faculty members and selected campus officials, and new procedures for proposing an International Exchange Agreement. | |
1/04/2008 | Distribution of the Research Allocation Portion of Net License Income. This revised procedure restates the timeframe and basis for the allocation of Net License Income and updates the attendant procedures. The Issuing Officer has also been changed. | |
1/01/2008 | Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment. Attachment B, Sexual Harassment Information Centers, has been updated. | |
12/19/2007 | Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct. Section IV.C. "Limitation Period," first sentence revised to accurately reflect the Code of Federal Regulations provision. | |
10/11/2007 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. This revised policy adds the provision for a substitute method of notice in the event of a security breach, in accordance with UC Business & Finance Bulletin IS-3. Also, the Security Breach Coordinator for Legal Affairs has been updated. | |
9/05/2007 | Environment, Health, and Safety . This revised policy restates the University's policy to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in order to maintain a safe and healthy campus environment. The references have been updated and expanded, and most of them moved to an attachment to the policy. | |
8/22/2007 | Protection of Human Subjects in Research. This policy has been rescinded in favor of the UCLA Investigator's Manual and three OPRS/IRB policies. | |
8/20/2007 | UCLA Email Policy and Guidelines. To clarify that e-mails with a legitimate business purpose to be mass-messaged to UCLA students must be coordinated through the Office of the Registrar regardless of the number of students, the adjective "all" has been deleted in Section VI.A.7., Mass Messaging. | |
7/27/2007 | Allocation and Reallocation of Gifts. This revised policy reflects changes to the maximum dollar limit of gifts to UCLA or The Foundation that may be allocated or reallocated by certain campus officials, in accordance with UC DA 2169, Allocation and Reallocation of Gifts and the accompanying Administrative Guidelines. | |
7/26/2007 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. The title of the Security Breach Coordinator for the School of Engineering & Applied Science has been updated. | |
7/06/2007 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. Changes to a designated Security Breach Coordinator must be approved by the appropriate official and communicated to the Director, IT Security; list of Security Breach Coordinators has been updated. | |
6/07/2007 | Weapons on University Property. This new policy is intended to incorporate the legislative weapons prohibitions and principles of the related UC implementing guidelines in the context of the UCLA campus, and to extend the prohibition to include fireworks. | |
5/22/2007 | Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research. This revised policy clarifies, per State of California regulations, that individuals responsible for the review and approval of research under UCLA's auspices must disqualify themselves from influencing or participating in decisions related to research supported by entitites in which they have a personal financial interest. | |
5/21/2007 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. This revised policy clarifies which campus officials have responsibilities for the security of data files containing Personal Information in their respective areas. The list of Security Breach Coordinators (Attachment A) has also been updated. | |
4/20/2007 | Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment. Revisions to this procedure clarify the role of the Dean of Students Office and the application of the Student Code of Conduct in the formal investigation of reports of sexual harassment when a student is the accused. | |
2/05/2007 | Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct. A notification requirement to a Research Sponsor was inadvertently omitted from the June 16, 2006 version of the policy. It has been inserted as the first bullet point under section IV.I. | |
2/01/2007 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). This procedure has been revised to reorganize the content for easier comprehension, to emphasize the purpose and scope, and to clarify certain procedures and requirements. | |
1/26/2007 | Animals on University Property. Reference to the State of California Penal Code, Section 597.7 added under Policy Section III.A.1. to reflect recently-enacted legislation. | |
1/19/2007 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. The Campus Security Breach Coordinator for Research Programs has been changed. | |
12/01/2006 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. The references to the Director, IT Policy have been changed to the Director, IT Security. Audit & Advisory Services will be notified of any potential security breach. The list of Campus Security Breach Coordinators has been revised. | |
11/08/2006 | UCLA Email Policy and Guidelines. This revised policy contains two new provisions regarding the use of email for disseminating official communications and Lifetime Email Addresses for students and graduates. | |
11/07/2006 | Legal Processes - Summonses and Complaints, and Subpoenas. Attachment A "List of Legal Coordinators" has been updated. | |
11/01/2006 | Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment. The Issuing Officer has been changed from the Assistant Vice Chancellor, Campus Human Resources to the Chancellor. | |
10/11/2006 | Affiliation Agreements. The referenced UCLA DA has been updated. Accordingly, the delegatees in Section IV.A. have been updated. | |
7/27/2006 | Acquisition of Vehicles and Vessels. This revised procedure describes the various ways departments can acquire vehicles for University business use, including purchase, lease or via donation or transfer. Fleet Services will help departments coordinate the acquisition of vessels via Campus Purchasing. | |
7/10/2006 | Workers' Compensation Rate Additive Program. This revised policy includes an updated listing of the members of the Rate Additive Committee and specifies that the Vice Chancellor for Business & Administrative Services shall be the final approver for all funding proposals. | |
7/10/2006 | Workers' Compensation Rate Additive Program Funding Guidelines. Revised procedure reflects changes to Policy 305 and describes the roles of OIRM and EH&S in reviewing proposals for funding Loss Control and Loss Prevention programs, respectively. | |
6/16/2006 | Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct. This revised policy/procedure implements the relevant provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations regarding allegations of misconduct in research and is applicable to all individuals with an appointment or formal affiliation with UCLA. | |
6/16/2006 | Integrity in Research: Responding to Allegations of Misconduct in Science. Procedure 993.1 has been superseded by Policy 993, effective June 16, 2006. | |
5/04/2006 | Soliciting, Accepting, and Returning Gifts. This new policy defines "gifts" made to the University or to The UCLA Foundation and desribes the various types and levels of authority that UCLA officials have in the solicitation, acceptance, and return of gifts. | |
5/04/2006 | Allocation and Reallocation of Gifts. This new policy complies with the provisions of the delegation of authority for the allocation and reallocation of gifts and promulgates local allocation instructions for UCLA officials. | |
5/02/2006 | Employee Driving Records. This revised procedure updates references to the DMV Employer Pull Notice Program. Attachment B, UCLA Employer Pull Notice Program Add, Delete, Update form (formerly Attachment C) has been significantly revised. | |
4/16/2006 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. Technical updates include reporting Security Breach incidents that involve medical or health insurance information to the appropriate UCLA HIPAA Privacy Officer and clarification that a Security Breach Coordinator is a role assumed by the IT Compliance Coordinator in each unit. The list of IT Compliance Coordinators has been updated. | |
4/14/2006 | Use of University Rental Pool Vehicles. This procedure supersedes the 7/1/1998 version and the authorization form (formerly Attachment A) was deleted because it is no longer used. | |
3/09/2006 | Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment. References and links to the revised UC Policy on Sexual Harassment (as of February 10, 2006) have been updated. | |
2/13/2006 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). This revised procedure clarifies several of the Definitions and expands upon the conditions under which a financial interest would be considered as related to a proposal or award. It also expands upon who must disclose significant financial interests. | |
1/26/2006 | Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation. The Responsible Department and Contact have been changed. The Designated Agent is now the Director, IT Policy. | |
1/20/2006 | Mass Gift and Membership Solicitations. This revised policy updates selected definitions and the Sample Gift and Membership Solicitation Remittance Card (Attachment D). | |
12/16/2005 | Telecommunication Systems Services. This revised policy clarifies CTS's authority to administer the installation of campus telecommunication systems in accordance with UC policy and the California Public Contract Code, and departments' responsibilities for the appropriate use and maintenance of their respective telecommunication systems. | |
12/01/2005 | UCLA Email Policy and Guidelines. Change of UCLA Authorizing Official for non-consensual access to staff emails, as referenced in section V.E.2 and Attachment D. | |
11/30/2005 | Legal Processes - Summonses and Complaints, and Subpoenas. Attachment A "List of Legal Coordinators" has been updated | |
11/23/2005 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. New Campus Security Breach Coordinator for Medical Sciences and School of Medicine listed on Attachment A. | |
11/22/2005 | Minimum Security Standards for Network Devices. This new policy establishes the Minimum Security Standards for all electronic devices connecting to the UCLA Campus Network. Implementing Guidelines are also attached to the policy to assist System Administrators and Connectivity Service Providers to achieve compliance with the standards. | |
11/10/2005 | Accepting Support for Research from Nongovernmental Organizations. This revised policy encompasses all forms of support for research, not just financial support. Material Transfer Agreements have been added as another means of processing support from nongovernmental organizations. | |
11/01/2005 | Cash Handling Safety and Security. This new policy implements the minimum requirements of UC Business & Finance Bulletin BUS-49 related to the safe and secure handling of cash and cash equivalents by all departments or units engaged in any form of cash handling activities. | |
10/05/2005 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. New Campus Security Breach Coordinator for Research Programs listed on Attachment A; additional principle added to list of Data Security Guidelines in Attachment B. | |
9/14/2005 | Registration and Use of UCLA Domain Names. This revised policy simplifies the requirements for requesting an internal UCLA domain name, including a shortened request form and tips on choosing a meaningful domain name. | |
8/01/2005 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. This revised policy describes the responsibilities of designated Security Breach Coordinators and breaks down the procedures into two parts - Initial Reporting & Analysis and Security Breach Notification. An updated listing of Security Breach Coordinators and suggested Data Security Guidelines are attached to the policy. | |
7/22/2005 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. Attachment B, "Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint Form" has been modified. | |
7/11/2005 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Donors of Gifts. This revised procedure eliminates the former requirement to report positive disclosures after the gift expenditure and specifies who is required to report. | |
7/11/2005 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Sponsors of Contracts, Grants, and Material Transfer Agreements for Research. This revised procedure eliminates the former requirement to report positive disclosures after the award expenditure; extends the reporting requirement to registered domestic partners; and clarifies other types of compensation that are reportable. | |
5/19/2005 | Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment. This revised procedure reflects the significant changes to UC policy (revised as of 12/14/2004) and specifies the responsibilities placed on managers and supervisors to respond promptly and effectively to reports of sexual harassment. | |
5/02/2005 | Offer of Monetary Rewards in Criminal Investigations. This revised policy clarifies that a monetary reward may be offered only when circumstances indicate that it would be effective in the successful prosecution of a criminal investigation. The Issuing Officer has been changed to the Vice Chancellor, Business & Administrative Services. | |
1/31/2005 | Sexual Harassment. This campus policy has been superseded by the revised University of California Policy on Sexual Harassment and Procedures for Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment, issued December 14, 2004. | |
12/17/2004 | Legal Processes - Summonses and Complaints, and Subpoenas. Attachment A "List of Legal Coordinators" has been updated. | |
11/24/2004 | Student Sponsorship; Agreements, Billing, and Collection of Fees. This procedure has been reviewed by the Director, Student Financial Services, and determined to be current and correct as stated. | |
11/16/2004 | Mass Gift and Membership Solicitations. This new policy defines the mass solicitation process at UCLA and describes the basic steps for generating remittance devices, including required and suggested elements. | |
10/28/2004 | UCLA Medal. This revised policy specifies that current state and local elected officials may not be awarded the UCLA Medal, in addition to those officials and persons already listed. The Issuing Officer has been changed from the Executive Vice Chancellor to the Vice Chancellor, External Affairs. | |
9/22/2004 | Use of Animals in Research, Teaching, and Testing. Change of Responsible Department Contact to Judith Brookshire, Director OPRS. | |
9/22/2004 | Approval for Use of Laboratory Animal Subjects. Change of Responsible Department Contact for rescinded Procedure 1110.1 to Judith Brookshire, Director OPRS. | |
9/22/2004 | Acquisition of Laboratory Animal Subjects. Change of Responsible Department Contact for rescinded Procedure 1110.2 to Judith Brookshire, Director OPRS. | |
9/22/2004 | Annual Report to U.S. Department of Agriculture - Animal Subjects Used in Actual Research or Experimentation. Change of Responsible Department Contact for rescinded Procedure 1110.3 to Judith Brookshire, Director OPRS. | |
9/20/2004 | UCLA Support Groups. This policy has been superseded effective 9/20/2004 by the University of California Administrative Guidelines for Support Groups. | |
8/30/2004 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Donors of Gifts. This revised procedure references a revised Disclosure Supplement form which may be used in conjunction with Form 700-U (State) or Form 740 (Federal). This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 925.1, dated August 1, 2003. | |
8/30/2004 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Sponsors of Contracts, Grants, and Material Transfer Agreements for Research. This revised procedure clarifies the difference between Significant Financial Interest and plain Financial Interest and their respective disclosure requirements. The related disclosure forms have been revised. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 925.2, dated April 23, 2004. | |
8/30/2004 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). This revised procedure expands the definition of Key Personnel and references the revised Disclosure Supplement form. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 925.3, dated August 1, 2003. | |
5/14/2004 | Requests to Name a Campus Facility in Honor of an Individual. Technical correction under section IV. Procedures. Chancellor submits proposal request to the Executive Committee, not the Academic Affairs Council. | |
4/30/2004 | General, Auto and Employment Practices Liability Insurance, Claims and Lawsuits. Minor revisions and updates to this procedure include the coverage of employee practices wrongful acts under this insurance program and streamlined handling of claims procedures. | |
4/23/2004 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Sponsors of Contracts, Grants, and Material Transfer Agreements for Research. This revised procedure clarifies disclosure requirements for projects involving human subjects testing and requires that any collaborators from other institutions adhere to relevant UCLA policies and procedures for disclosure of financial interests. | |
3/29/2004 | Registration and Use of UCLA Domain Names. This revised policy clarifies which campus entities may request a UCLA Domain Name and under what circumstances, and that UCLA Marketing & Communication Services reserves the right to deny any request for a UCLA Domain Name. | |
1/23/2004 | Filming and Photography on Campus. This revised and expanded policy clarifies under what circumstances filming and photography on the UCLA campus and its properties may be allowed. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 863, dated January 1, 1999. | |
1/21/2004 | Registration and Use of UCLA Domain Names. Policy 111 has been given the new number 411 in order to be included in the new section 400 - Information Technology. | |
1/21/2004 | UCLA Email Policy and Guidelines. Policy 355 has been given the new number 455 in order to be included in the new section 400 - Information Technology. | |
1/21/2004 | Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation. Policy 964 has been given the new number 464 in order to be included in the new section 400 - Information Technology. | |
1/20/2004 | Smoke and Tobacco-Free Environment. Revised to reflect new state legislation enacted as of January 1, 2004 which specifies that smoking is not permitted within twenty feet (formerly five feet) of main entrances, exits, or operable windows of public buildings. | |
1/05/2004 | Breaches of Computerized Personal Information. This new policy describes circumstances when notification of a system security breach is required and identifies the campus officials responsible for responding. It also describes the responsibilities of Vice Chancellors and Deans for ensuring compliance in their respective units. | |
12/22/2003 | Principal Investigator Eligibility. Section III.C.1 listing of campus officials with the authority to approve exceptions to Principal Investigator eligibility requirements for submitting a contract or grant proposal has been updated to conform with the Delegation of Authority. | |
10/28/2003 | Legal Processes - Summonses and Complaints, and Subpoenas. Attachment A "List of Legal Coordinators" has been updated. | |
8/18/2003 | Animals on University Property. This new policy clarifies under what conditions dogs or other pets may be allowed on campus property and in campus facilities. | |
8/01/2003 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Donors of Gifts. This revised procedure describes the process for the required disclosure of financial interests in non-governmental donors of gifts by principal investigators. | |
8/01/2003 | Disclosing Financial Interests in Non-Governmental Sponsors of Contracts, Grants, and Material Transfer Agreements for Research. This revised procedure describes the process for the required disclosure of financial interests in non-governmental sponsors of contracts and grants by principal investigators and key personnel. | |
8/01/2003 | Disclosing Financial Interests Related to Federally Sponsored Research Projects (except Public Health Service and Department of Energy). This revised procedure describes the process for the required disclosure of significant financial interests that relate to certain proposed sponsored projects. Principal investigators and key personnel must make such disclosures. | |
6/23/2003 | Legal Processes - Summonses and Complaints, and Subpoenas. Attachment A "List of Legal Coordinators" has been updated. | |
6/12/2003 | Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research. This new policy describes the responsibility of faculty and staff engaged in research for reporting financial interests in outside entities that may be construed as a conflict of financial interest. | |
5/16/2003 | UCLA Email Policy and Guidelines. New provision on Mass Messaging added to Section VI.A.7. | |
4/25/2003 | Distribution of the Research Allocation Portion of Net License Income. This new procedure outlines the UCLA process for allocation and use of its portion of Net License Income derived from the commercialization of an invention. | |
4/21/2003 | General Assignment Classroom Scheduling. This new policy sets forth the criteria used to assign instructional space in general assignment classrooms controlled by the Registrar's Office. | |
2/20/2003 | International Academic Agreements. Revised policy reflects change of Institute's name, updated procedures for submitting proposed Agreements, and is reissued under signature of the Vice Provost - UCLA International Institute. This policy supersedes UCLA Procedure 980, dated January 1, 1999. | |
1/15/2003 | Disposition of Unexpended Balances in Fixed Rate and Fixed Price Contracts and Nonrefundable Grants. This revised policy confirms the Chancellor's decision to convert qualified fund balances to unrestricted funds, for appropriate access by Principal Investigators. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 913, dated June 30, 1999. | |
12/13/2002 | Principal Investigator Eligibility. Item 4 in the References section has been updated to reflect a superseding Delegation of Authority. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 900, dated July 1, 1998. | |
10/15/2002 | Accepting Support for Research from Nongovernmental Organizations. This revised policy describes the manner in which private funds may be accepted and used in support of research projects. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 921, dated July 1, 1998. | |
8/09/2002 | Conflict of Interest. This revised policy facilitates the dissemination of the revised Compendium of Specialized University Policies, Guidelines, and Regulations Related to Conflict of Interest (Business and Finance Bulletin G-39). This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 660, dated July 1, 1998. | |
8/01/2002 | Whistleblower Retaliation Complaints. This new procedure provides implementing guidelines for the revised UC policies on reporting whistleblower complaints and protection against retaliation for reporting such complaints, including forms to complete in each instance. | |
7/01/2002 | Management of Sponsored Projects. Revised policy includes definitions and updated/expanded statement of responsibilities for the management of sponsored projects in compliance with various fiscal and administrative regulations. | |
4/15/2002 | Registration and Use of UCLA Domain Names. This new policy interprets how existing UC and UCLA policies apply to the registration and appropriate use of domain names at UCLA and also addresses aspects not covered by existing University policies. | |
9/19/2001 | Campus Backbone Network (CBN). New procedure describes responsibilities for the UCLA Campus Backbone Network and procedures for requesting related data services. | |
8/01/2001 | Use of Animals in Research, Teaching, and Testing. Revised policy describes UCLA's commitment to adhere to all Federal, State, and UC policies and regulations regarding the proper care and use of animal subjects in research. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 1110, dated January 1, 1986. | |
7/16/2001 | Telecommunication Systems Services. This revised policy describes the principal products and services that Communications Technology Services (CTS) offers to the campus, and the responsibiltites of CTS and campus departments in the ordering and use of such services. | |
7/16/2001 | Telephone and Voice Related Services. Revised Procedure for ordering voice related services and initiating repair requests from Communications Technology Services. | |
7/16/2001 | Campus Directories. Revised procedure describes the types of campus and UC directory listings available and how departments can request them as well as listings in the local White and Yellow Pages directories. | |
7/16/2001 | Use of University Wire Services (Telegram, Mailgram, Cablegram, Telex and TWX). This procedure has been rescinded. | |
7/16/2001 | Two-Way Radio Services. Revised procedure describes the UCLA Radio System and clarifies who is authorized to use this system and under what circumstances. Also, lists steps for ordering products and services and initiating repair requests. | |
7/16/2001 | Telephone Answering Systems and Services. This procedure has been rescinded. | |
7/16/2001 | Community Antenna Television System (CATV). New procedure explains the purpose of the UCLA Community Antenna TV system, who may subscribe to the services offered and how Communications Technology Services will fulfill orders and respond to repair requests. | |
7/16/2001 | Approval for Use of Laboratory Animal Subjects. This procedure has been rescinded. | |
7/16/2001 | Acquisition of Laboratory Animal Subjects. This procedure has been rescinded. | |
7/16/2001 | Annual Report to U.S. Department of Agriculture - Animal Subjects Used in Actual Research or Experimentation. This procedure has been rescinded. | |
7/09/2001 | Internal Control Guidelines for Campus Departments. This revised policy describes the internal control process, its objectives, and how the objectives can be met through implementation of internal control principles and components. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 560, dated May 1, 1988. | |
3/01/2001 | UCLA Medal. This revised policy more clearly sets forth a basic policy statement, criteria for receiving the Medal, and procedures for nominating potential recipients of the Medal. The new Responsible Department is the Office of Special Events & Protocol. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 140, dated July 1, 1998. | |
8/01/2000 | UCLA Email Policy and Guidelines. This new policy clarifies the applicability of existing law and other University policies to email; defines new policy and procedures where existing policies do not specifically address issues particular to email. | |
8/01/2000 | Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation. New policy describes provisions contained in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that limit the liability of UCLA, as an online service provider, for alleged online copyright infringement. Establishes responsibility for the receipt and processing of claims by a Designated Agent, and for the review | |
5/08/2000 | UCLA Interim Policy 860: Organized Events . Revised policy sets forth the conditions under which non-University groups may utilize University facilties. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 61 dated July 1, 1982 and UCLA Policy 62 dated July 1, 1985. | |
3/27/2000 | Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials for Teaching and Research. This policy rescinded as subject matter covered in UC Policy & Guidelines on the Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials for Teaching & Research. | |
12/01/1999 | Attendance Records, Time Reports and Leave Records for Academic and Staff Personnel. This policy was rescinded on 12/1/1999. The subject matter contained in this policy is now covered in the UCOP Accounting Manual, section P-196-13; UCLA Payroll Time Reporting Manual; Personnel Policies and Agreements; and UCLA Procedure 380.1. | |
11/09/1999 | Affiliation Agreements. Policy revised based on new delegation of authority that assigns responsibility for establishment and management of affiliation agreements to Executive Vice Chancellor, Provosts, selected Vice Provosts, Deans of graduate programs and of Continuing Education & Extension. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 970, dated May 1, 1982. | |
11/09/1999 | Review and Approval of Affiliation Agreements. This procedure has been rescinded effective November 9, 1999. Refer to revised UCLA Policy 970 for more information. | |
10/01/1999 | Directory Boards. Revised procedures for updating campus directory boards. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 840.1, dated January 1, 1978. | |
9/01/1999 | Federal Privacy Act - Notices Regarding Social Security Numbers. Revised policy provides updated guidelines to campus units in requesting Social Security numbers. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 602.1, dated March 8, 1977. | |
9/01/1999 | Low-Value Purchases. Revised policies & procedures governing low-value purchases with updated listing of purchases and transactions which are not permitted. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 740.1, dated October 1, 1987. | |
9/01/1999 | Security Arrangements for Special Visitors. Revised and expanded list of information required from Requestor and UCLAPD now secures license and insurance policy or bond from external security services if utilized. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 60.2, dated April 1, 1983. | |
6/21/1999 | Employee Death Reporting. Revised procedures for the timely reporting of a University employee's death to responsible campus officials who, in turn, respond with proper notifications and actions. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 670.1, dated November 1, 1981. | |
6/17/1999 | Transfer of Vacation and Sick Leave Accruals. The subject matter contained in this rescinded procedure is covered in the UCOP Accounting Manual, section P-196-13. | |
6/01/1999 | Placement of Temporary Structures on the UCLA Campus. Revised procedure expands upon existing UCLA regulations relating to the placement of temporary structures on the UCLA campus to insure the campus will not be adversely impacted by establishing formal request and review procedures. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 850.1, dated February 1, 1985. | |
5/18/1999 | UCLA Endowed Chairs. This policy has been rescinded effective as May 18, 1999. The subject matter covered in this policy may be found at The UCLA Call, Appendix 18, Policies and Procedures for UCLA Endowed Chairs, Endowments, and Professorial Name Chairs, and is based upon UCOP APM Policy 191, Policy on Endowed Chairs & Professorships. | |
5/01/1999 | Faculty, Staff, or Student Death Response and Reporting. New policy establishes certain responsibilities concerning notifications that need to be made to various campus administrators and service departments in the event of a faculty, staff, or student death. Created to provide overarching policy statement to existing Employee Death Reporting and new Stud | |
5/01/1999 | UCLA Support Groups. Revised policy sets forth standards for the recognition and administration of UCLA Support Groups. | |
5/01/1999 | Student Sponsorship; Agreements, Billing, and Collection of Fees. Revised procedures whereby UCLA students may register without paying mandatory fees by securing a Sponsor external to UCLA who agrees to pay such fees. This procedure supersedes UCLA Policy 530.1, dated April 1, 1984. | |
5/01/1999 | Use of Biohazardous Materials and Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules in Research and Teaching Activities. Revised policy describes how UCLA complies with NIH Guidelines for research involving recombinant DNA. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 1140, dated January 1, 1984. | |
4/28/1999 | Assignment and Management of Campus Space. Revised policy specifies responsibility for the allocation and reallocation of facilities space for campus activities based on programmatic need and academic priorities. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 410, dated May 1, 1979. | |
4/28/1999 | Requests for Additional Space or Modifications to Existing Space. Revised procedures for requesting additional campus space or modifications to existing space. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 410.1, dated May 1, 1979. | |
4/27/1999 | Professional Medical Malpractice and Liability Coverage. Establishes new policies and procedures by which the UCLA School of Medicine, the UCLA Medical Centers, and the UCLA Medical Group will extend coverage to certain faculty members and other eligible health care professionals. | |
4/27/1999 | Purchasing Goods and Services. Revised campus approval authorities, responsibilities and restrictions for the purchase of goods and services. This policy superedes UCLA Policy 740, dated January 4, 1982. | |
4/23/1999 | Producing Records Under Subpoena Duces Tecum and Deposition Subpoenas. Revised procedures for processing requests and producing records by responsible officers from Records Management. This procedure supersedes UCLA Policy 20.1, dated September 1, 1977. | |
3/01/1999 | UCLA Document Services . Revised description of Document Services Department, its role on campus and the various services offered around and adjacent to the campus. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 330, dated November 1, 1982. | |
1/01/1999 | Medical Malpractice Suit Settlement. Revised procedures for seeking settlement of medical malpractice lawsuits in consideration of rising costs of such litigation to the University. This procedure supersedes UCLA Policy 1010.1, dated November 30, 1977. | |
1/01/1999 | Filming and Photography on Campus. Revised requirements and restrictions for commercial filming or photography on the UCLA campus. | |
1/01/1999 | Requests for Off-Campus Real Property Leasing. Revised criteria for determining if leasing of off-campus facilities is warranted and procedures for requesting and securing lease. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 410.2, dated May 1, 1979. | |
7/01/1998 | Use of the University's Names, Seals, and UCLA Trademarks. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 10, dated July 1, 1988. | |
7/01/1998 | Naming of University Facilities and Organizational Units for Individuals. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This policy superseded UCLA Policy 830.1, dated September 1, 1980. | |
7/01/1998 | Requests to Name a Campus Facility in Honor of an Individual. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Policy 830.1, dated September 1, 1980. | |
7/01/1998 | Display of Flags. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 30, dated July 1, 1991. | |
7/01/1998 | Lowering of University Flag to Half-Mast (Upon Death of Employee or Elected Student Official). References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 30.1, dated July 1, 1991. | |
7/01/1998 | Offer of Monetary Rewards in Criminal Investigations. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 25, dated January 1, 1987. | |
7/01/1998 | Miscellaneous Property Insurance: Securing Coverage and Submitting Claims. The subject matter covered in this rescinded procedure is now contained in UCLA Procedure 300.2. | |
7/01/1998 | Student Death Response and Reporting. New procedures establishes an ad hoc team to ensure proper administrative responses are made by University staff in the event of a student death. Written to specifically address student death response and reporting responsibilities by campus administrators and to complement the existing Employee Dea | |
7/01/1998 | Student Debt-Related Holds Grievances . References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 210.1, dated June 1, 1979 | |
7/01/1998 | Disclosure of Information from Student Records. Revised policy provides UCLA interpretation of Federal regulations governing the disclosure of information from students’ records. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 220, dated February 1, 1981. | |
7/01/1998 | Student Grievances Regarding Violations of FERPA or University Policies on Privacy Rights Applying to Disclosure or Content of Student Records. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 220.1, dated February 1, 1981. | |
7/01/1998 | Student Grievances Regarding Violations of Anti-Discrimination Laws or University Policies on Discrimination. Revised procedures for student filing of formal grievance and steps taken to bring about a resolution. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 230.1, dated December 1, 1978. | |
7/01/1998 | University Insurance and Risk Management. Revised description of University’s risk management approach, coverages. This poliy supersedes UCLA Policy 130, dated May 1, 1979. | |
7/01/1998 | General, Auto and Employment Practices Liability Insurance, Claims and Lawsuits. Revised description of University’s General and Auto Liability Insurance Program including filing and handling claims and lawsuits. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 300.1, dated July 1, 1998. | |
7/01/1998 | University Property Insurance, Securing Coverage and Reporting Claims. Revised description of coverage under the University’s Self-Insurance Program and procedures for filing claims. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 130.2, dated May 1, 1979. | |
7/01/1998 | University Owned or Leased Motor Vehicles: Physical Damage Insurance, Coverage, Accident Reporting, and Claims Procedures. Revised description of coverages and procedures for reporting accidents and recovering costs for loss or damage to University vehicles. This procedure supersedes UCLA Policy 130.4, dated May 1, 1979. | |
7/01/1998 | Fine Arts and Collections Insurance. Revised description of coverage and eligible art works, procedures for securing coverage and for filing claims for loss or damage. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 130.5, dated May 1, 1979. | |
7/01/1998 | Transit Insurance, Securing Coverage and Reporting Claims. Revised description of coverage and procedures for securing coverage and submitting claims for loss or damage. This procedure supersedes UCLA Policy 130.6, dated May 1, 1979. | |
7/01/1998 | Workers' Compensation Rate Additive Program. Revised description of program and the criteria by which requests for funding are evaluated by the Rate Additive Committee. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 131.1, dated April 1, 1986. | |
7/01/1998 | Workers' Compensation Rate Additive Program Funding Guidelines. Revised procedures for developing funding proposals for new and continuing programs. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 131.1, dated April 1, 1986. | |
7/01/1998 | UCLA Mail and Bulk Mail Services . References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 310, dated January 1, 1991. | |
7/01/1998 | Mail Services (Campus, U.S., and International Mail). References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 310.1, dated January 1, 1991. | |
7/01/1998 | UCLA Messenger Services. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 310.5, dated January 1, 1991. | |
7/01/1998 | Ordering Postage Stamps and Stamped Post Cards. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 310.6, dated January 1, 1991. | |
7/01/1998 | Access to and Use of University Mailing Lists. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. | |
7/01/1998 | Use of University Rental Pool Vehicles. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 320.1, dated May 16, 1984. | |
7/01/1998 | Sales and Service Activities. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This Policy supersedes UCLA Policy 510.1, dated July 1, 1989. | |
7/01/1998 | Short Term Investment Pool (STIP) Income on Gifts, Grants, and Endowments. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 520, dated September 1, 1989. | |
7/01/1998 | Recovery of Operating Costs from Private Gifts. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. Supersedes UCLA Policy 521, dated July 1, 1982. | |
7/01/1998 | Misappropriation of University Assets by University Academic, Staff and Student Employees. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 560.1, dated May 1, 1990. | |
7/01/1998 | Preparing and Routing Interdepartmental Recharge Requests. The subject matter contained in this rescinded procedure is covered in the UCLA Accounting Training Course. | |
7/01/1998 | Payroll Expenditure Transfer (Form UPAY 646-4). This procedure has been rescinded effective July 1, 1998. | |
7/01/1998 | Preparing and Routing the Non-Payroll Expenditure Adjustment Request. The subject matter contained in this rescinded procedure is covered in the UCLA Accounting Training Course. | |
7/01/1998 | Approval of Expenditures for Memberships in Scholarly and Professional Organizations. The subject matter contained in this rescinded policy has been superseded by information contained in the UC Accounting Manual D-371-16 and UC Business & Finance Bulletin G-43 (PDF). | |
7/01/1998 | Official Entertainment Policy. The subject matter contained in this rescinded policy has been superseded by information contained in the UC Accounting Manual D371-16.25 and UC Business & Finance Bulletin BUS-79 (PDF). | |
7/01/1998 | Official Entertainment Procedure. The subject matter contained in this rescinded procedure has been superseded by information contained in the UC Accounting Manual D371-16.25 and UC Business & Finance Bulletin BUS-79 (PDF). | |
7/01/1998 | Policy Governing Travel. The subject matter contained in this rescinded policy has been superseded by information contained in UC Business and Finance Bulletin G-28. | |
7/01/1998 | Accounting for Travel Expenses. The subject matter contained in this rescinded procedure has been superseded by information contained in UC Business and Finance Bulletin G-28. | |
7/01/1998 | Official Documentation Supporting Financial Transactions. The subject matter contained in this rescinded procedure has been superseded by UCLA Financial Policy - All Sections, UC Accounting Manual A-000-7 Official Documentation Required in Support of University Financial Transactions | |
7/01/1998 | Inspection of Employment Contracts. This policy has been rescinded effective July 1, 1998. | |
7/01/1998 | Privacy of and Access to Information (Legal Requirements). References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. Further revisions are pending. | |
7/01/1998 | Privacy of and Access to Information (Collection, Disclosures, Amendments, and Inventory). References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 603.1, dated April 1, 1984. | |
7/01/1998 | Employee Driving Records. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 615, dated April 15, 1991. | |
7/01/1998 | Removal and Moving Expenses. This procedure has been rescinded effective July 1, 1998 | |
7/01/1998 | Sexual Harassment. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. | |
7/01/1998 | Responding to Reports of Sexual Harassment. Attachment A, Sexual Harassment Centers and Complaint Resolution Officers, has been revised as of July 26, 2000. No changes to the parent procedure since last updated as of July 1, 1998. | |
7/01/1998 | Jury Service (Academic and Staff Personnel). References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 640.1, dated January 1, 1981. | |
7/01/1998 | Conflict of Interest. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. | |
7/01/1998 | Policy on Exchanging University-Owned Goods or Services for In-Kind Contributions. The subject matter contained in this rescinded policy has been superseded by UC Accounting Manual Chapters A-253-27, D-371-12.1,P-196-11, E-821, and UC Business and Finance Bulletins | |
7/01/1998 | Reporting the Personal Value of Goods or Services Provided to University Employees. This procedure has been rescinded effective July 1, 1998. The subject matter contained in this procedure has been superseded by UC Accounting Manual Chapters A-253-27, D-371-12.1,P-196-11, E-821, and UC Business & Finance Bulletin BUS-43, BUS-79 (PDF), and G-41 (PDF). | |
7/01/1998 | Acquisition, Control, and Disposal of Property Owned or in the Custody of the University. This policy has been rescinded effective July 1, 1998. The subject matter contained in this policy is covered in UC Business and Finance Bulletins, BUS-29 & BUS-38. | |
7/01/1998 | Acquisition and Disposal of Surplus and Salvage University Property. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Policy 720.2, dated August 1, 1990. | |
7/01/1998 | Equipment Screening Procedure. This procedure has been rescinded effective July 1, 1998. The subject matter contained in this procedure is covered in UC Business and Finance Bulletin BUS-29. | |
7/01/1998 | Acquisition of Consumable Supplies Through the Storehouse "ADVANTAGE" Program. The subject matter contained in this rescinded procedure may be found at the Purchasing web site. | |
7/01/1998 | Acquisition of Works of Art, Antiquities, and Artifacts. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. Further revisions are pending. | |
7/01/1998 | Acquiring Works of Art, Antiquities, and Artifacts. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. Further revisions are pending. | |
7/01/1998 | De-acquisition of Works of Art by Sale or Exchange. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. Further revisions are pending. | |
7/01/1998 | Procurement of Micrographic Equipment. This policy has been rescinded effective July 1, 1998. | |
7/01/1998 | Procurement of Micrographic Equipment. This policy has been rescinded effective July 1, 1998. | |
7/01/1998 | Requests for Office Furnishings and Non-Standard Furniture (Rugs or Carpeting). The subject matter contained in this rescinded policy may be found at the Purchasing web site. | |
7/01/1998 | Acquisition of Vehicles and Vessels. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 745.1, dated February 1, 1982. | |
7/01/1998 | Smoke and Tobacco-Free Environment. Revised description of state law applied to the University and resulting campus-wide policy regarding smoking in and around campus facilities. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 810, dated July 1, 1998. | |
7/01/1998 | Environment, Health, and Safety . Revised policy identifies campus officers and their responsibilities for ensuring adherence to EH&S policy and various compliance programs in place on campus. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 1105, dated July 1, 1990. | |
7/01/1998 | Requesting Facilities Management Services. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 815.1, dated January 1, 1982. | |
7/01/1998 | Response to Initiation of Cal/OSHA Safety Inspection Investigation. Revised procedures describe appropriate steps to follow in response to an unannounced safety inspection by CAL-OSHA official. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 820.1, dated July 1, 1980. | |
7/01/1998 | Key and Electronic Access Administration and Control . Revised guidelines for the administration and control of keys for all UCLA facilities. This policy supersedes UCLA Policy 825, dated July 1, 1990. | |
7/01/1998 | Building Entrance Keying, Electronic Access, and Control . Revised procedures for the issuance to authorized individuals of building entrance keys. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 825, dated July 1, 1990. | |
7/01/1998 | Approval and Submission of Contract and Grant Proposals. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. Further revisions are pending. | |
7/01/1998 | Notification and Prior Approval Requirements for Grants Under the Federal Demonstration Project (FDP). References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. Further revisions are pending. | |
7/01/1998 | Recovery of Indirect Costs on Research, Training, and Public Service Programs. The subject matter contained in this rescinded policy may be found at the UC Contracts and Grants Manual web site and in the memo on Indirect Cost Waiver Requests from Vice Chance | |
7/01/1998 | Expenditure or Commitment of Funds Against Contracts and Grants Prior to Receipt of An Executed Award. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. Further revisions are pending. | |
7/01/1998 | Institutional Prior Approval System for PHS Grants. The subject matter contained in this rescinded procedure may be found in UCLA Procedure 910.2. | |
7/01/1998 | Organization Prior Approval System (OPAS) for NSF Grants. The subject matter contained in this rescinded procedure may be found in UCLA Procedure 910.2. | |
7/01/1998 | Patent Policy. The subject matter contained in this rescinded policy is covered in University of California Patent Policy. | |
7/01/1998 | Copyright Policy. The subject matter contained in this rescinded policy may be found at the UCLA Office of Sponsored Research web site. | |
7/01/1998 | Ownership of Creative Work Submitted by Students. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This Policy supersedes UCLA Policy 1130.1, dated November 1, 1976. | |
7/01/1998 | Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct. References to campus departments, officers, services updated. No substantive changes to previous version. This Policy supersdedes UCLA Policy 1150, dated June 19, 1990 | |
7/01/1998 | Student Certificates of Disability. The subject matter contained in this rescinded procedure may be found at the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) web site. | |
7/01/1997 | Integrity in Research: Responding to Allegations of Misconduct in Science. Revised, detailed procedures for administrative response to allegations of misconduct. This procedure supersedes UCLA Procedure 1150, dated January 1, 1990. | |
8/10/1992 | Computer System Acquisition. This procedure has been rescinded effective August 10, 1992. | |
8/10/1992 | Computer System Acquisition. This procedure has been rescinded effective August 10, 1992. |